Can you recall the first time that you really saw Jesus? The first time you truly began to understand who he is? The first time when all his goodness, all his glory, all his worth began to really sink in and you saw him? You saw him. And, in a moment, your entire life recentered around him?
For some in this room, that moment may have happened a long time ago. Perhaps when you were very young. For others, it may have happened fairly recently. For still others, you may not recall a specific moment, but perhaps a season, where it just steadily grew more and more apparent to you, “Jesus is King, Jesus is everything.” For some here, you may have no idea what I am talking about right now. You’ve never seen Jesus this way. Perhaps you want to. Perhaps you’re open to it.
If that’s you, be assured, you are in the right place, because this morning our text is really about two things: Seeing Jesus (in the ways just described), and sharing Jesus.
People will see Jesus, really see him.
Then, they’ll go and share Jesus with someone else.
As a result, that someone else will also see Jesus. On and on and on
It is the heartbeat of this text — Jesus seen, Jesus shared, Jesus seen, Jesus shared.
It is also the heartbeat of the church. At least, it ought to be. For if we truly are seeers of Jesus, then it only makes sense for us to be sharers of Jesus as well. Toward that end then, we’re going to trace this story of Jesus seen and Jesus shared with an eye toward two encouragements for sharing Jesus with others. So, Jesus seen, Jesus shared, and, along the way, two encouragements for sharing Jesus with others.
Let’s pray and ask God for his help…
Alright, so Jesus seen, Jesus shared. And that first one, Jesus seen, has already shown up in John.
In John 1:14, John the Apostle writes,
“And the Word [Jesus] became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
In John 1:32, John the Baptist says of Jesus,
“I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him.”
And in verse 34, John the Baptist says again,
“I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God.”
So Jesus has been seen. And now, beginning in verse 35, Jesus is going to be seen by more and more. Look with me at John 1:35.
Jesus Seen: Andrew and the Other Disciple
“The next day again John [that is, John the Baptist] was standing with two of his disciples…”
Two of his followers. Men who, as followers of John, would’ve already been interested in spiritual matters and expecting John’s invitation to go forth as Jesus followers.
It’s no surprise then that, in verse 36, these two disciples do exactly that. Upon hearing John proclaim, “Behold the Lamb of God!” they immediately turn and go after Jesus… And just imagine the smile upon John’s face when they did! “At last, they’ve found him!”
Well, Jesus sees these two former disciples of John now following him and asks, verse 38: “What are you seeking?” “What is it that you want?” What are you following me for?
Are they in search of entertainment? Wanting to see impressive miracles and hear captivating speeches?
Are they in search comfort? Hoping Jesus will solve all their problems and make their lives easier?
Are they hoping for wealth and prosperity, and thinking Jesus is the way to get it? Are they looking for a supplement to an otherwise fairly good life?
There’s more than one reason to go after Jesus, right?
So Jesus asks,
“What are you seeking?”
Their answer, still verse 38,
“‘Rabbi’ (which means Teacher), ‘where are you staying?’”
It is a good response. Better, in fact, than they perhaps knew. For the truth of the matter is what these two men most needed in that moment — more than they needed anything else in all the world — was to simply be near to Jesus. Their souls, whether they knew it or not, were dying for nothing less than him. And, indeed, so are ours.
Amazingly, Jesus doesn’t respond by saying, “Get away from me.” Or, “Show me your credentials.” Neither does he merely give them his address, which alone would’ve been a kindness to them. Instead, he invites them in. He invites them near. Verse 39,
“Come and you will see.”
See what?
At one level, they were going to see Jesus — a man who looked just like them. Two eyes, ten fingers, ten toes. And they were going to see him in a home — one that looked just like theirs. Small, simple, nothing to write home about.
But at a whole other level, while in that home, while listening to Jesus, they were going to see that this was no ordinary man. This, Jesus, was indeed the long-awaited Messiah. The long-awaited Christ. The promised descendant of David, who would defeat God’s enemies, build a house for God’s name, and sit upon a throne of glory forever and ever.
Hence, Andrew’s words to his brother following this event: Verse 41,
“‘We have found the Messiah’ (which means Christ).”
That’s what Andrew saw in Jesus. And his first thought afterwards was, “I want my brother to see it too.”
Verse 40,
“One of the two who heard John speak and followed Jesus was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. 41 He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (which means Christ).”
You catch the flow of the story so far?
John the Baptist sees Jesus.
He then shares Jesus with his disciples, “Behold [it means look! See!] the Lamb of God.”
Those disciples go and see Jesus.
At least one of them, Andrew, then goes and shares Jesus with his brother.
Jesus Seen: Peter
So, verse 42, Andrew brings his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus. And Jesus says of him, verse 42,
“‘You are Simon the son of John. You shall be called Cephas’ (which means Peter).”
Now, in that moment, did Peter see in the face of Jesus the same Christ, the same Messiah, that his brother Andrew saw? We don’t know. The text doesn’t tells us. But what we do know, from the rest of the New Testament, is that Peter did eventually see it. In Matthew 16, Jesus asks Peter, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter’s answer was remarkably similar to his brother’s. Matthew 16:16, “You [Jesus] are the Christ [Messiah], the Son of the living God.”
So Jesus seen, Jesus shared, Jesus seen, Jesus shared.
But one thing I want to note amidst this continued rhythm is what appears to be just the slightest degree of variance. And the variance is regarding who the particular persons are who are doing the seeing and sharing.
For example, the whole thing begins with what we might call the spiritual A-team of that time. John the Baptist sharing Jesus with his disciples. But then it moves to one of those disciples (Andrew) sharing Jesus with Peter (who, unlike his brother, is not labeled a disciple).
John the Baptist → one of his disciples → someone who was not a disciple.
Now, if we’re meant to detect that slight shift, and I believe we are, then it seems we’re also meant to detect an even greater shift in what comes next. Namely, the sharing of Jesus by someone who had not been a disciple of John, with someone who, at least initially, puts up some resistance. See it with me in verse 43.
Jesus Seen: Philip
Verse 43,
“The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip…”
Again, nothing here about Philip being a disciple of John (like Andrew), nor a sibling of a disciple of John (like Peter). Nevertheless, Jesus finds him anyways, and says,
“Follow me.”
It’s a call much like that of Andrew’s in verse 39,
“Come and you will see.”
And the effect is likewise similar. Just as Andrew, after seeing Jesus, went and shared Jesus with Peter, so Philip, having now seen Jesus, goes and finds Nathanael. Look with me at verse 45:
“Philip found Nathanael and said to him, ‘We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote...”
That’s basically long-hand for we have found the Messiah. The Christ. The one foretold by Moses and the prophets. But then comes a wrinkle. Still verse 45:
“‘We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.’”
Not Wanting to See Jesus?
Now, pause here for a moment. Do you know why those two disciples of John, back in verse 37, went after Jesus in the first place? I know we’re moving backward here a little, but stay with me. Do you know what it was that allowed those two disciples of John, as well as Peter, as well as Philip, to see Jesus? To have interest in Jesus? To come to the point of understanding Jesus for who he truly was?
Was it the fact that they were living in a time when people commonly thought about and talked about spiritual things? That they had grown up in a context, ancient Judaism, where people commonly anticipated the coming of the Messiah? Do you understand their spiritual interest and spiritual sight to be a direct result of them being pre-conditioned and predisposed towards it?
If you do, then you likely already put these men of John 1 into a category far different than all the unbelievers currently around you. Your co-workers, after all, don’t seem to ever think about spiritual things. Your neighbors aren’t on the lookout for a coming Messiah.
And since they’re not, then we’d certainly not expect them to, if they were to have Jesus shared with them, actually go after him the way Andrew, Philip, and Peter did, right?
Brothers and sisters, could I remind us of something this morning?
God is the one who draws the human heart, not worldviews. God is the one who woos people to himself, not cultural contexts.
To be sure, God often uses God-conscious worldviews and God-focused contexts to draw people to himself. Hence, the many people in this room who grew up in a Christian home and are now Christians themselves.
But remember what God tells us in the Word about the human heart. It is a thing far too dead in sin and far too set on following the course of this world for any mere context — no matter how God-conscious, God-focused it may be — to draw them to Jesus.
Do you know why Andrew left John to go after Jesus? Do you know why Philip saw Jesus as Messiah? Do you know why you and I are worshipers of Jesus today?
It is because God worked a miracle! Had he not, not one of us — neither you, nor me, nor Andrew, nor Philip — would’ve ever gone after Jesus, at least not in a way that’d be of any spiritual profit. The truth is that in order for anyone to ever truly see Jesus, God has to work a miracle. God has to draw them in to see. And, that’s exactly the work that God has been doing for the last 2,000 years.
First Trait
And so, the first encouragement for sharing Jesus with others: God draws people in to see. People who are far from him, who are initially disinterested in him. People who claim to be dead set against him. God draws people in to see. Because he can, and because he wants to. So, we put in our effort. We still extend the invitation. Andrew got his brother. Philip pursued Nathanael. But God is the one who ultimately draws people in to see. He did so with each one of us who are believers in this room this morning. He did it, and he can do it again. God draws people in to see.
Now, back to our wrinkle: Philip talking to Nathanael.
Jesus Seen: Nathanael (part one)
Verse 45,
“We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”
Now look right there. Nathanael was not expecting, let alone looking for, a Messiah from the Podunk city of Nazareth. He’d not been pre-conditioned for that. His worldview couldn’t seem to put those two details together which is why he responded the way he did in verse 46,
“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”
Philip does not take that as a sign he should give up. “Whoa, okay man, sorry I brought it up. I guess I’ll cross you off my list of potential converts.” No, he doesn’t do that. Instead, he just says,
“Come and see.”
And Nathanael does! Amazing.
Second Trait
Now, here is a second encouragement for sharing Jesus with others.
First encouragement: God draws people in to see.
Second encouragement: Jesus is a sight worth seeing.
Here’s what I mean…
Philip did not try and lure Nathanael in with treats and trinkets and balloons, though those things in and of themselves are not bad.
Philip did not launch into a philosophical argument or verbal challenge of how Nathanael’s worldview was wrong and his own was right, though there may be a place for that.
And Philip certainly did not waiver, thinking, “Perhaps Nathanael’s right. Perhaps a Messiah from Nazareth really is a bit far-fetched. Unimpressive. Unlikely.”
Philip did not do any of those things, and you know why he didn’t? Because Philip had seen Jesus! He had seen his glory, seen his goodness, seen his power, seen his beauty. He had seen, in Jesus, the greatest thing he had ever beheld in his entire life.
Therefore, his one and only aim in that moment was to just get Nathanael in front of Jesus. Just get him to lift his eyes up to Jesus and see him too! I mean, Jesus can take it from there. His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth, is more than sufficient to captivate any unbeliever no matter how seemingly far from him. Jesus is a sight worth seeing.
Do we know this? Do we believe this? Are we convinced that if our unbelieving neighbor, our unbelieving co-worker, could just see Jesus, that that’d be enough? Brothers and sisters, Jesus is not a semi-impressive individual. He walks on water. He gives sight to the blind. He heals the paralyzed. He never lies. Never sins. Never disappoints. His love is deep beyond measure. He is God in the flesh! He is a sight worth seeing.
So, first encouragement: God draws people in to see.
Second encouragement: Jesus is a sight worth seeing.
Now, back to Nathanael.
Jesus Seen: Nathanael (part two)
Philip and Nathanael go to see Jesus. Turns out, Jesus is way ahead of them. Verse 47,
“Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, ‘Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!’ Nathanael said to him, ‘How do you know me?’ Jesus answered him, ‘Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.’”
Nathanael’s jaw drops. His eyes widen. He then answers,
“‘Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!’”
Nathanael saw Jesus.
Now note: when we see that phrase, “Son of God!”, it sounds like Nathanael is calling Jesus God — calling Jesus divine. And while Jesus is God, fully divine, it’s far more likely that what Nathanael meant by “Son of God” in this text was Jesus is Messiah. Jesus is the King of Israel, just as he says next. And the reason for that is because the Messiah, the long-awaited king-figure of the Old Testament is also called a son of God.
Psalm 2:7,
“I will tell of the decree: The Lord said to me, ‘You are my Son; today I have begotten you.’”
2 Samuel 7:14, God says,
“I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son.”
So it seems Nathanael, Andrew, and Philip are all essentially saying the same thing in slightly different ways in this text — Jesus is the Messiah.
And Jesus receives all the variations of that title that they give him. It’s interesting. Remember earlier when John the Baptist had rejected all his supposed titles… “Are you the Christ? No. Are you Elijah? No. Are you the Prophet? No.” Here, Jesus receives all his titles: Lamb of God, Messiah, One who Moses and the prophets wrote, Son of God, King of Israel. “Yes”, says Jesus, “I am Messiah. And now, watch as I blow the lid off your understanding of who the Messiah really is.”
Jesus Seen As Greater
Verse 50,
“Jesus answered him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.”
Greater than the Messiah? Really?
Verse 51,
“And he said to him ‘Truly, truly, I say to you [and the “you” here is plural, so he’s referring to more than just Nathanael], you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”
That’s incredible. What Jesus just did is take two major Old Testament references, smush them together, and say they’re all about him.
Let’s take that first one, “…you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending…” It’s a reference to Jacob’s vision in Genesis 28. When Jacob, in his sleep, saw a ladder connecting heaven and earth, with angels going up and down on it. And it’s his interpretation of the event that is truly breathtaking. Listen for the emphasis, Genesis 28:16,
“Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.’ And he was afraid and said, ‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.’”
The gate. The doorway. The point of entry between earth and heaven. Jesus, taking ahold of that story, is now saying here, “I am that gate. I am that point of entry between heaven and earth. The angels are going to ascend and descend upon me.”
“And who am I? Well, I am the Son of Man.” This is a reference to Daniel 7. And I’m going to read it, and what I want you to mainly focus in on is where this scene from Daniel 7 is taking place. Daniel 7:13-14,
I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days [that’s God the Father] and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.
Where is this vision taking place? It’s taking place in heaven. The Son of Man is King, in other words, not just of Israel, but all of heaven. And Jesus is saying “that’s me.” Jesus can be the gate between earth and heaven because he’s come from heaven down, for his people, with the invitation, “I’m going back up to reign as King, and if you receive me, then I will take you back with me to be where I am. Andrew, Philip, Nathanael, you see that I am the Messiah. You will soon see that I am a Messiah far greater than anything you ever expected.”
Welcome Others to See Him Too
Friends, have you seen Jesus? Has God drawn you in to see Jesus? Has he been revealed to you through God’s Word and in God’s church? Has the sight of Jesus changed your life? Changed your eternity?
Be encouraged, share Jesus with others. Share Jesus with others.
Invite your neighbor, though he may not care two cents about Christianity, to come and read the Bible with you. Invite your co-worker, though she thinks little if ever upon spiritual matters, to listen to a sermon on the gospel. Invite your family member, though they may be dead set against all forms of organized religion, to hear what you so love about Jesus.
And invite people here. Invite them to see Jesus in the book of John. I know there aren’t often a lot of empty seats left, but look, I’ve been around this church enough to know that if you come even just 15 minutes early you’ll have plenty of seats to choose from. Invite people to see Jesus. They will not be disappointed. Jesus is a sight worth seeing, and God can draw them in to see him.
The Table
Now, what brings us to the table this morning is the fact that Jesus, Messiah, King of Heaven came down to earth, ultimately, to die for the sins of the world. He shed his blood, had his body broken, so that forgiveness of sins could be made possible for those who receive him — so that forgiven people could rise with him into heaven for all eternity.