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FAQs about Sermons:How many episodes does Sermons have?The podcast currently has 834 episodes available.
March 10, 2024ConfessionToday's scripture paints an interesing picture of hope, but the start is a little rough: we're dead and we can't fix it. Many of us experience the lingering symptoms of this death. We lack purpose or meaning, or we question what it's all about. So how do we find life again? Tune in and find not just life, but life abundant!...more30minPlay
March 03, 2024CommunityWhy is Jesus so upset over the moneychangers and merchants in the Temple? It really boils down to community; the ability of all people to commune with the Creator of the Universe. Jesus fought for community. Jesus died for community. The question is, will we live for community?...more29minPlay
February 25, 2024CostWhat is the cost of following Jesus? He asks a lot: to deny ourselves, to pick up our cross, and to follow where he leads. It definitely costs something to follow Jesus. But have you ever done a cost/benefit analysis on following Jesus? It turns out, it costs way more to NOT follow Jesus. Tune in and learn more with us!...more31minPlay
February 18, 2024CovenantWhat does it cost God to make a covenant? We sometimes forget how faithful God is, or how unfaithful we can be. But we seldom think of the cost for God to uphold His end of the covenant. Understanding the cost can help us love Him even more....more31minPlay
February 11, 2024Future U"You reap what you sow." It's a principle that is universally recognized, but unilaterally ignored. In our society of quick fixes, we always think there's a shortcut to where we want to be: the pill that makes us lose weight, the pill that makes us feel/sleep better, the surgery that makes us look better. But none of this changes the universal principle found in Scripture: We will reap what we sow. So, how do we sow for true success?...more29minPlay
February 04, 2024Quit TryingDid you know that the most successful people have quit trying? It's not about trying to hard, or not trying hard enough; it's that trying is the problem! In trying, we give ourselves a minimal commitment. Real change occurs with real commitment. Come and see what that looks like in the spiritual sense!...more0minPlay
January 28, 2024Breaking GoodHabits, Change, good habits, bad habits, transformation, power, fruit, discipleship, godliness...more28minPlay
January 21, 2024Holy HabitsHow are big changes made? You might be surprised to learn that the biggest and most lasting changes start with the smallest of things. One small, holy habit is more likely to make a lasting change than a big 30 day challenge. Don't believe us? Tune in and find out the power of Holy Habits!...more29minPlay
January 14, 2024Who Am I?Who we think we are often determines what we do, and the enemy is a good liar determined to derail our God-given identities! Let's learn how to form a healthy identity that will keep us on track during life's challenges....more0minPlay
January 07, 2024I'm Stuck!Ever felt stuck? You're in good company. Paul hits the nail on the head: why do I do what I don't want to do and not do what I should do? Why do willpower and behavior modification have limited success? Is there a better way to change? The Bible says there is a better way!...more0minPlay
FAQs about Sermons:How many episodes does Sermons have?The podcast currently has 834 episodes available.