Joy In Birthing Foundation www.joyinbirthingfoundation.org provides birth and postpartum doula services to low income families, women in the foster care system, mothers in homeless shelters, pregnant teenagers, survivors of sexual trafficking, and expecting women in the criminal justice system.
Birth Arts International www.birtharts.com has gone from a regional body to working internationally, offering extensive doula, postpartum doula, childbirth educator, midwifery assistant, and advanced doula training. Considered to be the premier holistic doula training organization, and it is known for its support and progressive student support practices.
Healthy Children’s Project www.centerforbreastfeeding.org was established in 1993 as a non-profit research and educational institution dedicated to improving child health outcomes in partnership with public, private, and non-profit agencies. Healthy Children Project assumed responsibility for the educational services which had been provided by Health Education Associates Inc. since 1976.
The Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) certification is the premier National Certification in Lactation Management in the United States. LCTC and CLC exam certification holders have demonstrated competence in the lactation skills, knowledge and attitudes that are essential to helping breast feeding people and have agreed to comply with The Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice code of ethics.
Journey Spa www.spajourneys.com
Perinatal mental health (PMH) problems are those which occur during pregnancy or in the first year following the birth of a child. Perinatal mental illness affects up to 20% of new and expectant birthing people and covers a wide range of conditions. An example, postpartum depression.
Kayla’s interview with Dr. Deirdre Cooper-Owens https://www.thesouthernmidwife.work/nintey-two-archives
The Legacy Museum Montgomery, Alabama https://museumandmemorial.eji.org/museum
Black Breastfeeding Week August 25th-31st www.blackbreastfeedingweek.org
Black Maternal Health Week April 11-17th www.blackmamasmatter.org
“Infographic Allies” coined by Kayla Bitten - non person of color or non Black person on the internet sharing infographics about Black birthing people, but they know absolutely nothing about realistic lived experiences of Black and brown birthing people, and Black and brown professionals doing the work.
The Weathering Hypothesis was proposed to account for early healthy deterioration as a result of cumulative exposure to experiences of social, economic, and political adversity. It is well documented that minority groups and marginalized communities suffer from poorer health outcomes. This may be due to a multitude of stressors including prejudice, social alienation, institutional bias, political oppression, economic exclusion, and racial discrimination. The weathering hypothesis proposes that the cumulative burden of these stressors as individuals age is “weathering” and the increased weathering experienced by minority groups compared to others can account for differences in health outcomes.
Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) is a knowledgeable, skilled, and professional primary maternity care provider. CPM’s are trained and credentialed to offer expert care, education, counseling, and support to birthing people for pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.
Dr. Stephanie Mitchell Birth Sanctuary in Gainesville, Alabama www.thebirthsanctuary.com
VBAC birth stands for Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. If your medical provider has told you that you will be unable to ever have a vaginal birth after having a C-section, do not be afraid to ask for a second opinion and consult another medical provider. VBACs are not right for everyone, and if your previous C-section wasn’t handled well or resulted in a high vertical uterine incision, prior uterine rupture, or you have had other types of uterine surgeries, you may not be a good candidate for a VBAC. Consult with your doctor, multiple doctors if needed, and take all medical factors into consideration.
Grandmother Midwives or “Granny Midwives” The granny midwives were well respected Black women from the South who provided care to poor and rural women during pregnancy and labor at a time when hospitals were not accessible to them. They were family counselors, breastfeeding consultants, postpartum doulas, nutritionists, and advocates.
Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) is a primary health care provider to birthing people of all ages throughout their lives. CNMs focus on gynecologic and family planning services, as well as preconception, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and newborn care. They also provide primary care such as conducting annual exams, writing prescriptions, and offering basic nutrition counseling.
“Letter From Birmingham Jail” https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Articles_Gen/Letter_Birmingham.html -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mahmee www.mahmee.com
You can find more of Kayla Bitten on IG @ TheSouthernMidwife, www.thesouthernmidwife.work
Motherly www.mother.ly
Euphoric Herbals www.euphoricherbals.com
Huffington Post www.huffpost.com
Original Podcast Beat Produced Mixed & Engineered By: Info Black
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