We Date Modern - The Podcast

Sex Rewired with Pastor Brandon Watts of Epiphany Church Brooklyn

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Talking about sex in the church is often considered taboo. Most pastors completely avoid the conversation and when the topic of sex does come up, it’s often relegated to a quick condemnation of pornography or an encouragement to go put on a True Love Waits wristband. And while we understand the value of abstinence and recognize the destructive nature of pornography, there are a whole host of other legitimate questions Christian adults are asking about modern sex and dating.

So imagine how refreshing it was for us when we found out about Pastor Brandon Watts of Epiphany Church in Brooklyn. This past summer his church hosted an open and explicit conversation on Christianity and modern sexuality called Sex Rewired.

For one night only, the church invited single and married Christians to come forward to honestly discuss sexual struggles. They laid a biblical foundation for sexual intimacy and answered questions on the top issues people in the church were facing. For example, they talked about everything from masturbation to homosexuality and the biblical perspective of oral sex. Can Christians give blow jobs? Yep, they talked about it.

The conversation went for hours and it was standing room only. The event was such a success that Epiphany Church will be hosting a follow-up event sometime in 2019. In the meantime if you want to host a conversation about sex in your community, Chanel regularly facilitates these talks. Visit our Speaking page to plan an event with her.

We couldn’t wait to sit down with Pastor Brandon for a candid conversation about sex for our listeners. This is an episode you’re going to want to bookmark, listen to again, and share with a friend.

Episode highlights:

  • Pastor Brandon Watts shares how he met his wife Ty. They’ve been married for 16 years! (Sneak peek: he asked her out in real life.)

  • How the habit of avoiding real conversation and sliding into someone’s DMs is sabotaging your dating life

  • Why Epiphany thought it was important to host the Sex Rewired event and why churches can be bolder in presenting a biblically rooted perspective on sex

  • How sending a message that sex is bad can make the experience of sex within marriage difficult

  • Why men aren’t the only people who struggle with pornography

  • Pastor Brandon describes the concept of Gospel-centered sex

  • The impossibility of experiencing sex from a biblical perspective without the protection of the covenant of marriage and why hookup culture inevitably falls short

  • What it means for sex to be a covenant renewal ceremony

  • The importance of accountability when you’re trying to pursue sexual purity


Want to host a conversation about sex in your church or community? We are ready to help you be a trailblazer. Chanel regularly facilitates group discussions on modern sex and gives talks on Christian sexuality. Book her for your next event by visiting our speaking page. We can also host a number of other conversations with your group. Let’s renew the culture around dating together!


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Episode Links: 
  • Epiphany Church Brooklyn - Pastor Brandon Watts’ church in Brooklyn, NY

  • Follow along on Instagram - @wedatemodern | @chanel.dokun | @b_wattz | @epiphanybrooklyn

  • The Meaning of Marriage by Tim and Kathy Keller

  • Relationship Coaching with Chanel Dokun

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We Date Modern - The PodcastBy Chanel Dokun, Relationship Expert

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