I think the biggest thing I got out of this episode with my dad is that it's OK to try multiple things and don't talk yourself out of trying something new because you only risk failing if you stop trying!
Money shouldn't be the motivation. Find something that aligns with your gifts and your passion. Every single person was created with some kind of gift for doing something that makes them perfect for some job. But also,
Don't be too concerned about where the money will come from. Put your passions and gifts together and your ideas could morph into something other than what you imagined. You might find ways to make money that you never could have imagined when you started.
Figure out the intersection of what you're good at and what you're passionate about. The theme for my dad seems to be a perpetual problem solver and wanting to help others. You might not see your value/gifts until you start to pursue it.
Keep going even when you encounter obstacles. Don't think about all the problems with the idea at the beginning. Just start because the answers could come to you. Cathy Heller says, "Clarity comes from Action."
Don't talk yourself out of starting with all the reasons it won't work. Even if others are doing it, or you wonder what makes you special, or you can't see the end at the beginning. You may do it in a way that resonates with someone because of your unique style, perspective and life experience. You may find ways to iterate and improve upon how others have done it. You might be just at the point of giving up RIGHT before you make it big.
JUST TRY: At least if you try something and it doesn't go perfectly:
You’ve learned something and are at a different point.
You might Fail your way to success.
Don’t let the reality check in your brain keep you from doing it. Work through those obstacles and you might find the answer.
Write down your goals and ideas. Your ideas will morph and you can look back later and see how far you've come and how they've changed. You may go from X to Y to Z and writing your process down may help you remember why you shouldn't try X again.
It helps to have someone supportive to work through things with. Whether that's your spouse, family, trusted friends, or groups of people with similar goals, it is so helpful to have someone you can bounce ideas off of.
Turkey Track Bluegrass Festival - https://turkey-track-bluegrass.edan.io/
Mike Rowe - https://mikerowe.com/
Cathy Heller - https://www.cathyheller.com/
Yellow Note Pads (my dad swears by them and writes ALL his goals down on one or a million...) - https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Basics-11-75-Inch-50-Sheet-Writing/dp/B00QSR9KFU/ref=asc_df_B00QSR9KFU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167156626445&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9394376858938659259&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029025&hvtargid=pla-282744313869&th=1
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