"Aloha" is a word familiar around the world, but how much know its true meaning? Especially being that our podcast name carries the word "Aloha," it is important that we help to paint the picture of what "Aloha" means.
To many, it may translate into English as "Hi, Hello, Goodbye, I love you." This is true, but there are so much more. This is just the surface of its definition. But are you willing to dive deeper?
In this episode, we tap into the messages of "Aloha" through the words of the late Auntie Pilahi Paki. She was a healer in the Hawaiian community who created this understanding to "Aloha" for people.
We hope you learn something. We also hope that you Share you Aloha with someone today...but don't forget to Aloha yourself as well.