Nicolas Croix is a Parisien, born and bred. Now based in North London with his young family, he is the founder and CEO of Moonworkers, a next generation HR platform which launched in the UK last year. In his previous career, Nicolas was a producer and production manager in the French entertainment industry, working across branded content, documentaries, live shows, and commercials. During this time, he produced more than 20 prime-time TV shows, whilst producing footage from leading stage musical productions including Cabaret, the Lion King, and Mamma Mia.
In this episode we explore some of the lasting wounds that Nicolas experienced due to traumatic early years in the schooling system; his subsequent rebellion against learning; later pride in gaining a place at the University of Cambridge; a football match which inadvertently changed the cause of his life; what Nicolas call’s ‘Finding my Easy’; and the path to entrepreneurship.
Nicolas perfectly demonstrates through his stories, how life can take many twists and turns, and how one can suddenly find purpose and drive, where it was previously missing. At a time when there is much dialogue on the future of education, Nicolas’ own difficult school journey further prompts us to ask, how can we radically improve this important chapter of our children’s lives?