I easily and effortlessly smile! Why? Because smiling is the quickest way to increase positive energy.
Several women in my Community have asked this week how to change their negative moods and attitudes…they were feeling sad, guilty, lonely, frustrated, angry, alone.
We all feel negative emotions now and then.
Having left domestic abuse does not mean everything is good now…no more sad days, living in the past or fearful of the future. Right? We still carry all that negativity with us, in the recesses of our minds. And it does surface from time to time.
This podcast discusses and teaches The Smile Exercise. It is simple and free. Anyone can do it. And, it will improve your attitude. I learned this process years ago and still use it often.
Test the theory…what have you got to lose (besides feeling sad, lost, alone, afraid?)
For more information about thriving after domestic abuse, listen to podcasts, watch live videos and read articles on my website www.SurvivingAbuseNetwork.com