Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad DB
Itekaf bayaan – 19th July 2014
Dorangi Chor Day Yakrang Hoja
There are two types of humans, believers and unbelievers.
Allah is the friend of the believers and loves them. We should look at our lives, some humans will look after themselves and their body. They will dress well, eat well, enjoy. Humans are stressing on this, putting all efforts on this, to make it all better. Humans have thought of 7 course meals, eating like animals, walking and eating and also eating fast food.
Zindagi ki lazath, has become purpose of life… of Enjoyment, live life to max.
Beauty parlours are everywhere. Look at the different types of shampoos man has produced and thought of. There is a constant race for wealth. Man is thinking ‘I can only get these enjoyments with wealth’. It’s all because of gaflath, heedlessness. Preferring this world to the next.
Some are muslims by name only, they don’t know the difference between good deeds and bad.
Nafse amaara is worshipping the lower base self, desires. Muslims by name, do whatever their nafs desires, they pray salaah without the desire and pleasure. We are not prepared to put our daamin in front of Allah at night. We find it hard to pray fajr and isha, but easy to sit out all night dining. Just doing whatever the lower base wants. This is a life of nafse amaara.
If Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam saw us, he would say where is the ummah? Muslims? because our lives do not show we are Muslims.
Nafse lawaama are people of 2 lives. They act on the shariah only when it suits them. Two faced people, this is hypocrisy, laailaha illAllah just from the top. This is not acceptable to Allah. Eman Waalay (believers) will have noor on their heads on the day of judgement. Hypocrites will ask for some noor from the believers and it will be said to them this noor was only available in the world. Allah will put a barrier, hypocrites will not get any noor, hypocrites will say to the believers: “were we not with you in the world?” but your desires kept you deluded.
Today no compensation will be accepted,. Their (hypocrites) end result is the same as unbelievers, and will be put in hell fire.
What is our state/haal? Has it not come, the time for the Believers? Allah will put a lock on our hearts if we don’t get our act together.
We must stop sins for Allah. If we hide sins or stop sins because of people, this is hypocrisy.
We worship the nafs, (lower base self). Allah wants tawheed and Allah hates shirk, it’s an unforgiveable sin.
Companions heard anything and worried “is that fault in me?”.
Muslims pray salaah, Tahujad, fast and are religious people. But when they get an opportunity to do haram, they will leap into it. Facebook, porn on Internet, their nafs will be uncontrollable. They will give into their desires. Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihe Wasalam said their deeds will be wasted on the day of judgement. If we worship the nafs then this is shirk. It’s not Accepted by Allah. It’s very scary.
After doing good deeds we waste them by worshipping the nafs. People think from the top that we are religious. But Allah knows the state of our heart. Our life outwards and inwards both have to be the same, pure. Promise to Allah today not to sin.
Quran: Do they not see how we made the camel, so much strength, it can knock a man down, but it’s so loyal to its master. Can we humans not be loyal?
Nafse mutmaina – This is the real life. Life of ehsaan, strong eman saves them from sin. Companions had such strong eman.
Allah is watching us always. When we look at gayr mehram, REMEMBER Allah is watching us before we even look at that gayr Mehram. Believers know Allah swt is watching and cannot displease Allah swt. Allah is listening to everything I say.