What do you think - is it better to give or receive?
We present this topic to children early to help them understand the virtues of generosity and kindness without really considering the delicate balance between these two actions. Sometimes, we go so far as to suggest to kids that it's selfish to say you'd rather receive. I've only arrived at this mindset recently, but I think we do our kids a disservice by suggesting this. In fact, I think it can sometimes be exactly the opposite of selfish.
I hope this podcast, Episode #36 - The Art of Receiving, sheds a little light on the importance of both.
Particularly for girls and women, who are taught to nurture and not be selfish, receiving can be a loaded word. It has become almost a stereotype that women can be terrible at receiving compliments - on our appearance, our cooking, our parenting and our businesses.
And when we offhandedly reject a compliment (thinking we're being humble), or an offer of help (even when we could really use it) we offend the person offering and make it less likely they'll want to offer it again.
The interesting thing is how this behaviour extends to receiving money in our businesses. When we don't believe our work is worthy, when we say we love our work so much we'd do it for free, when we offer discounts to potential clients (before they even object to our price!) because we don't want them to think we're greedy, we effectively shun money from our businesses.
I believe receiving is one of the most important skills an entrepreneur can have and I tell you why in this episode.
To download the Free Money Tracking Worksheet mentioned in this episode: https://beambitiousforher.com/moneytracking