On this episode I speak to Julia Kerr Henkel is the MD of Lumminos Coaching and Change Consulting. She is an executive coach, seasoned change and organisational development consultant, facilitator and speaker. In March 2019, Julia studied directly with Dr Brené Brown in Texas and is one of her Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitators commissioned to teach the skillsets of courage, connection, vulnerability, shame, empathy and emotional literacy. Julia runs various in-house, public or individual programs based on these skillsets. Prior to founding Lumminos in 2008, Julia spent 4 years at Goldman Sachs London and was a director for 8 years at College Hill Investor Relations and Magna Carta, communications and reputation management agencies. She is married to Vaughan, stepmother to two university-going young adults and fur-mother to 3 Maine Coon cats. She loves learning, deep conversations, dancing, travelling and non-peaty whisky. She lives and practices in Johannesburg, South Africa.
On this show we cover:
- 02:46 Early life and upbringing in Zimbabwe and Durban in South Africa,
- 07:09 Advice for career women on finding and living their purpose,
- 11:21 What success looks like and people Julia Kerr admires,
- 16:15 Top 3 book with the biggest impact and some concept related to lessons from those books,
- 20:15 Favourite failure that taught you the most in life,
- 24:48 When the why's are big enough the how's will figure themselves out,
- 25:59 Experience and personal takeaways from attending sessions and working with Brené Brown,
- 27:41 Giving context around the idea of being "clear is kind",
- 32:40 Details about the Dare To Lead sessions,
- 34:20 Energy and joy hacks that have helped over the COVID period,
- 37:13 Coaching tips for people feeling stuck and emotionally depleted,
- 42:55 Words that describe and sum up Julia Kerr Henkel, "Be kind when possible because its always possible"
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