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FAQs about Shinrix Podcast:How many episodes does Shinrix Podcast have?The podcast currently has 20 episodes available.
July 27, 2021Sushi? Sumo? Tokushima!!! #210722This recording was broadcast on July 22, 2021. FM BIZAN791 http://www.bfm.jp/ This 30 minutes broadcast is hosted by volunteer members who come from abroad to help the community of Tokushima. Popular images of Japan? “Sushi” and “Sumo”? Yes, but we would like people around the world to know not only those images; but more things about Japan. They send the news from Japan and information about Tokushima; a place that welcomes foreigners from all over the world. No one knows what language will be spoken or what kind of topics they will bring up. Don’t miss it!...more26minPlay
July 27, 2021Sushi? Sumo? Tokushima!!! #210715This recording was broadcast on July 15, 2021. FM BIZAN791 http://www.bfm.jp/ This 30 minutes broadcast is hosted by volunteer members who come from abroad to help the community of Tokushima. Popular images of Japan? “Sushi” and “Sumo”? Yes, but we would like people around the world to know not only those images; but more things about Japan. They send the news from Japan and information about Tokushima; a place that welcomes foreigners from all over the world. No one knows what language will be spoken or what kind of topics they will bring up. Don’t miss it!...more26minPlay
July 22, 2021まちつくつく #15 リノベーションまちづくりの話しエフエムびざんで毎週金曜夜22時放送。まちづくりについて語る30分「まちつくつく」が始まりました。徳島を愛し、様々な地域活動に首を突っ込むシーシーこと長谷川しんりとママさん防災士でエフエムびざんDの瀬戸めぐみが、まちづくりの話題を中心に語ります。放送日:2021年7月16日/出演:長谷川しんり、瀬戸めぐみ、ゲスト:水上幸子/協力:けんちきP、石焼いも子 http://www.bfm.jp/ B-FM79.1Mhlz...more26minPlay
July 22, 2021まちつくつく #14 田んぼの草抜きの話しエフエムびざんで毎週金曜夜22時放送。まちづくりについて語る30分「まちつくつく」が始まりました。徳島を愛し、様々な地域活動に首を突っ込むシーシーこと長谷川しんりとママさん防災士でエフエムびざんDの瀬戸めぐみが、まちづくりの話題を中心に語ります。放送日:2021年7月9日/出演:長谷川しんり、瀬戸めぐみ/協力:けんちきP、石焼いも子 http://www.bfm.jp/ B-FM79.1Mhlz...more26minPlay
July 21, 2021まちつくつく #13 花苗をもらった話しエフエムびざんで毎週金曜夜22時放送。まちづくりについて語る30分「まちつくつく」が始まりました。徳島を愛し、様々な地域活動に首を突っ込むシーシーこと長谷川しんりとママさん防災士でエフエムびざんDの瀬戸めぐみが、まちづくりの話題を中心に語ります。放送日:2021年7月2日/出演:長谷川しんり、瀬戸めぐみ/協力:けんちきP、石焼いも子 http://www.bfm.jp/ B-FM79.1Mhlz...more27minPlay
July 21, 2021まちつくつく #12 日露交流の話しエフエムびざんで毎週金曜夜22時放送。まちづくりについて語る30分「まちつくつく」が始まりました。徳島を愛し、様々な地域活動に首を突っ込むシーシーこと長谷川しんりとママさん防災士でエフエムびざんDの瀬戸めぐみが、まちづくりの話題を中心に語ります。放送日:2021年6月25日/出演:長谷川しんり、瀬戸めぐみ/協力:けんちきP、石焼いも子 http://www.bfm.jp/ B-FM79.1Mhlz...more28minPlay
July 13, 2021Sushi? Sumo? Tokushima!!! #210708This recording was broadcast on July 8, 2021. FM BIZAN791 http://www.bfm.jp/ This 30 minutes broadcast is hosted by volunteer members who come from abroad to help the community of Tokushima. Popular images of Japan? “Sushi” and “Sumo”? Yes, but we would like people around the world to know not only those images; but more things about Japan. They send the news from Japan and information about Tokushima; a place that welcomes foreigners from all over the world. No one knows what language will be spoken or what kind of topics they will bring up. Don’t miss it!...more26minPlay
July 13, 2021Sushi? Sumo? Tokushima!!! #210701This recording was broadcast on July 1, 2021. FM BIZAN791 http://www.bfm.jp/ This 30 minutes broadcast is hosted by volunteer members who come from abroad to help the community of Tokushima. Popular images of Japan? “Sushi” and “Sumo”? Yes, but we would like people around the world to know not only those images; but more things about Japan. They send the news from Japan and information about Tokushima; a place that welcomes foreigners from all over the world. No one knows what language will be spoken or what kind of topics they will bring up. Don’t miss it!...more26minPlay
July 13, 2021Sushi? Sumo? Tokushima!!! #210624This recording was broadcast on June 24, 2021. FM BIZAN791 http://www.bfm.jp/ This 30 minutes broadcast is hosted by volunteer members who come from abroad to help the community of Tokushima. Popular images of Japan? “Sushi” and “Sumo”? Yes, but we would like people around the world to know not only those images; but more things about Japan. They send the news from Japan and information about Tokushima; a place that welcomes foreigners from all over the world. No one knows what language will be spoken or what kind of topics they will bring up. Don’t miss it!...more25minPlay
June 12, 2021まちつくつく #11 プール掃除の話し...エフエムびざんで毎週金曜夜22時放送。まちづくりについて語る30分「まちつくつく」が始まりました。徳島を愛し、様々な地域活動に首を突っ込むシーシーこと長谷川しんりとママさん防災士でエフエムびざんDの瀬戸めぐみが、まちづくりの話題を中心に語ります。放送日:2021年6月11日/出演:長谷川しんり、瀬戸めぐみ/協力:けんちきP、石焼いも子 http://www.bfm.jp/ B-FM79.1Mhlz...more25minPlay
FAQs about Shinrix Podcast:How many episodes does Shinrix Podcast have?The podcast currently has 20 episodes available.