If you've ever met Ben, you know that he brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. And today he's breaking down the marketing strategy that he calls "chain reaction" marketing. A lot of the times photographers are doing the right tactics, but do you have a strategy behind those tactics that's part of a larger picture? In this episode, Ben clears all of that up for you!
Ben Hartley is a wedding photographer and industry educator based in Columbus, OH. He has three children with his wife Leslie who is also a part of the business and together they are loving being able to run a business that works with the life they want to have. Ben constantly works to inspire other photographers to do the same and does so through his podcast, the Six Figure Photography Podcast, as well as through his educational courses, programs and his free Facebook group.
Ben's Website: https://benhartley.com/
Ben's Podcast: https://sixfigurephotography.com/
Ben's Free Facebook Group - Six Figure Photography Mastermind: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1549634671972608
My Episode on Ben's Podcast - How to Break Into Senior Photography: https://sixfigurephotography.com/how-to-get-started-senior-photography/
Ben's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jbenhartley/
Shoot for Success Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shootforsuccesspodcast/
Sean's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seanbrownproductions/
If I were to tell you that working harder in your business won’t get you to where you want to be, would you believe me? In fact, after coaching hundreds of photographers in every market across the country, the number one trait that they all shared when they were struggling was working harder than ever in hopes that things would finally come together. It wasn’t until they figured out how to implement the proper frameworks and strategies that their business took off. That’s why I've created the free on-demand video training series, Intro to Senior Photography Crash Course, to help photographers who want to start or grow their business without spending years struggling and trying to figure it out on their own. In this free training, I will teach you the steps you need to take that people like myself along with hundreds of other photographers have used to build their thriving business and be able to live the life they want to live. All you have to do is click the link in the show notes to unlock how to make that happen for you business and say yes to being the success senior photographer you’ve always dreamed of being.
Are you following the Shoot for Success Podcast over on Instagram yet? If not, head over there to check us out and make sure to leave a DM so we can say hello! https://www.instagram.com/seanbrownproductions/
I want to know what you enjoy most about this podcast! Screenshot this episode and make sure to tag me @ShootForSuccessPodcast when you share to your story about the one big takeaway you had from this episode! I want these to be as impactful as possible and this is just one way that you can help me make that happen!