Digital Marketing Radio

Should online quizzes be part of your digital marketing strategy? – JOSH HAYNAM | DMR #218

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Today I'm joined by a man who claims he's seen more quizzes than pretty much anyone in the world. He’s the founder of a quiz builder used by 30,000 brands including The American Red Cross, Tony Robbins, and LUSH Cosmetics. Welcome to DMR, Josh Haynam. [You can find Josh over at]

On this episode of Digital Marketing Radio we discuss whether online quizzes be part of your digital marketing strategy, with topics including:

Why quizzes?
Why do businesses like to use them?
Why are quizzes better than other forms of lead capture?
What are some of the better practises for creating a quiz?
What’s the best length of a quiz?
Does this change if more people using their mobile device to participate in the quiz?
Is it best to offer incentives for people to complete a quiz?
What are some of the mistakes that businesses make when creating a quiz?
What are some of the first steps for businesses to get started?

[Tweet ""Everything starts and ends with a connection between 2 people." @JHaynam @tryinteract #Marketing"]
Software I couldn't live without
What software do you currently use in your business that if someone took away from you, it would significantly impact your marketing success? [Sales CRM]

Trello [Priority management]

WordPress [Blogging platform]

Photoshop & Canva [Graphic creation]

Google Calendar [Diary management]
What software don't you use, but you've heard good things about, and you've intended to try at some point in the near future?
Piktochart [Infographic creator]
My number 1 takeaway
What's the single most important step from our discussion that our listeners need to take away and implement in their businesses?
I think that everything starts and ends with a connection between 2 people. Whether it's a business and a customer or a business and a partner - whatever it is - everything needs to come down to some sort of connection. And those connections can not necessarily be rushed or forced or anything like that. And with marketing a lot of the time we try to force things by blasting out more and more messages - but I think at the end of the day there's a lot more value to putting in the time, putting in the work and actually taking the time to care about whoever it is you are connecting with, whether it's through a quiz and figuring out who they are before you get on the phone, or it's when you are making a call to somebody and you take the time to figure out what their interests are before you hop on the call. Whatever that is I think that its very valuable to establish those connections, and continue establishing those connections. And that's a universal thing that works literally any business.
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