Hello again, I hope you are finding your own adventures.
We were on schedule to release a new episode as promised on November 28th.
However, the user license on the screen reading software I use expired.
Thankfully, I am finally back online. Because I feel really bad about not bringing you Emily's excellent podcast on schedule.
This episode is about the end of pre-race training and the beginning of training and competition.
You can hear how excited Emily is to take advantage of all the chemistry her and her team built up last year now that many of the Covid restrictions have been repealed and they can spend much more time on the mountains.
And she reminds us of the wonderful support she will be receiving from Torque Snowbords This year.
I look forward to the promised interview with the folks from Torque later this year.
But I want you to do me a favor. I want you to check out a few of Emily's past episodes.
Because I'm noticing a new confidence to her voice on her podcast that wasn't there even just a few episodes ago.
After she brings us up to date, she explains the importance of working with her team to establish their goals for the year.
Their biggest goal being to build upon experience from last year and come up with workable voice commands to help Emily be successful on the mountain.
I love hearing the excitement in her voice when she talks about finally finding something that works.
As a website developer and accessibility advisor I know that feeling of having a big breakthrough all too well.
I had a big smile on my face as I imagine you will.
Sadly, she couldn't include audio of that in this episode.
This is because at least for now she doesn't have a good way to properly describe them in a voice over.
She will be posting those videos on her social media accounts, so please be sure to follow her using the links at the bottom of this post.
And we will get the audios posted as soon as she figures out how to get them done.
Emily is so stoked by her discovery that she comes back to it.
I think her description is pretty solid, and I'm not a snowboarder at all.
It seems the breakthrough came because she was able to spend more time with her team on the snow.
That allows her to feel the shapes and sizes of the turns along with the commands they were working on.
As Emily says discovering thi turn language is not only big for her but a huge step forward for the sport of blind downhill snowboarding.
And as she reminded us in the beginning Emily's goals are beyond just winning gold medals herself.
She talked about working on other types of turning.
Then she discusses the change in the podcast to biweekly.
Which I, as her producer, am very thankful for.
She mentions her gratitude for lots of new snow on the mountains.
And before closing she mentioned some of the types of guests you can expect in the near future.
We do want to hear from you about how we are doing with the show.
Are there questions your have, or are there subjects you want her to cover?
You can now also leave comments right here on the blog as well as leaving a rating or review on Apple.
You can follow Emily on Face Book, Twitter, or Instagram.
You can also send her an email.
If you have questions about the network, please email me here.
We want to thank our generous sponsors at Blubrry.
We couldn’t do this without their financial and technical support.