"Khayaal" is a genre of North Indian classical music that originated in the Mughal courts in the 18th century. It involves intricate melodic improvisations and is characterized by its free-flowing structure, allowing performers to showcase their creativity and virtuosity. The word "khayaal" itself means "imagination" or "thought" in Urdu, reflecting the emphasis on improvisation and creative expression in this form of music.
EP 11: Indian Music ~ Origin, History & Evolution (Age of Khayaal Gaayaki) covers the following topics:
Introduction to Khayaal gaayaki & Music Families
The birth of Khayaal & initial resistance
Acceptance & Popularity of Khayaal Gaayaki
Inspiration & Evolution of Khayaal Gaayaki
The unique expression and improvisation in Khayaal Gaayaki
The structure & tempo of Khayaal Gaayaki
The significance of slow tempo in Khayaal Gaayaki
The influence of Mughal Courts on Khayaal Gaayaki
The performance & structure of Khayaal Gaayaki
Differentiating between Badaa & Chota Khayaal
The influence of lifestyle on Khayaal Gaayaki
The decline of Music in Society
The insecurity of artists in Society
Encouraging artists to embrace their unique voice
Therapeutic and developmental benefits of music
Finding your own voice as an artist
The evolution of art and artists in society
The influence of legends and breaking free from their shadows
The impact of artists on society
The use of different texts in Khayaal Gaayaki
The different Gharanas and training in Khayaal Gaayaki
The migration of artists and formation of gharanas
The importance of Guru-Sishya relationship
The influence of different Gharanas on Khayaal Gaayaki
The casualness and commercialisation of Music
The changing dynamics of music control
The responsibility of audience in Music consumption
Responsibility of artists
Archiving & preserving music
Celebrating cultural diversity
Culture & Identity
Representing one’s culture