This is a Shiur focused on specific concepts discussed in the Sicha; it does not go through the Sicha page by page, but dissects central ideas in depth.... more
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By Project Likkutei Sichos
1616 ratings
The podcast currently has 802 episodes available.
Chelek 24, Tavo 2 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf
Text Based
נמסר בבית מנחם בורו פארק
Chelek 24, Tetze 3 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - יצירת חפצא של כלאים
Text Based
Chelek 24, Tetze 3 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf
Chelek 24, Shoftim 3 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - גדר ירושה במשנת הצפנת פענח
Chelek 24, Shoftim 3 - Rabbi Mendy Wolf
Text Based
The podcast currently has 802 episodes available.
4,576 Listeners
2,282 Listeners
5 Listeners