We know you are a busy person. So, we cut the clutter and sieve the theory for you to offer some smart & practical ideas - that probably you can’t google.
Are these some challenges you are looking to solve?
“We have tight deadlines, but I am struggling with motivating my teams to stretch”
“My organization is working on this prestigious project but my team does not seem to care”
“My customers are not happy. My product’s NPS (Net Promoter Score) is not looking good”
“I have high business targets but my team is struggling to achieve”
“I am facing a problem with employee turnover, people are leaving us for competition”
“My employees are not engaged enough”
Today’s leaders are pushed very hard to produce magical business results with ever-shrinking resources. “Do more in less” seems to be the norm. Do more work in less time, with fewer people, with limited resources, etc.
In this episode, I will share the secrets of solving these issues. Here are 5 smart ideas that gave us excellent results in booking employee engagement.
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrl2PPuROSjsQhlIkLqKJQ
Medium: https://sieveforever.medium.com
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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0nYRW9dRoBsme0sQWI9XMB
Anchor: https://anchor.fm/sieve-forever
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