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By Lost & Found - Ministry of the Shepherd
22 ratings
The podcast currently has 26 episodes available.
Eagles are born with big, heavy wings. They learn to fly without actually flapping their wings. They do this to conserve energy. Instead, they rely on wind thermals, a gust of wind that will rise from the atmosphere. The wind lifts the eagles and with a mix of flying and soaring they rise. Their wings are spread straight out, and they soar with perfect ease on the wind currents.
In Silver Linings, Terry Lees claims we are all made to fly high in life, that we need to take leaps of faith at special times in our lives. We learn to reach into the deep reservoirs of ability and potential that is within us.
The blessed Feast of Christmas was established over 2000 years ago to honour and glorify the birth of the most important Man who ever lived.
In Silver Linings, Terry Lees speaks of the real Santa Claus and of the true meaning of Christmas, as he recalls a flood of memories from his own childhood. He shares too the excitement of his young granddaughter and her desire to make Christmas extra-special for her family.
It’s Christmas time and leading up to Christmas, Christmas songs abound. You hear them on the radio and television, in shopping malls and stores, as you’re wandering the grocery aisles or waiting to get your car serviced. They flow from concert halls, school auditoriums and church sanctuaries.
In Silver Linings, Terry Lees shares that at Church or at home, it is the familiar and beloved Christmas Carols that express so simply and eloquently the true meaning of Christmas. No matter how often we sing them during the days of Christmas, the Carols never fail to inspire.
Nelson Mandela, the first black President of South Africa and the first President to be elected in a fully representative election, spent 27 years in prison, right up until apartheid ended. He had every reason to hate the people who put him there and his captors.
In Silver Linings, Terry Lees shares a remarkable true story of Nelson Mandela, as told by former US President Bill Clinton, that highlights why Mandela was such a great human being. Terry Lees explains that letting go of resentment and hate towards others is the not a weakness – it is in fact the strongest, most empowering thing you can do for yourself. Thinking negative thoughts about the one who wronged you will not harm that person in any way, shape or form…the only person it hurts is you.
People of faith believe that God is always with us. At some times we fail to recognise God’s presence.
“Footprints in the Sand” is frequently framed for display in living rooms and bedrooms. You can buy keychains and tea towels and decorative plates featuring this well-known piece of writing. It’s not scripture, but “Footprints in the Sand” does offer hope for those who recognise God’s promises between the lines.
In Silver Linings, Terry Lees explains that Footprints in the Sand is one of the most beautiful writings on the love God has for us. God is everywhere, every time and with everybody.
Have you heard the story of the millionaire who gave away everything he owned to become homeless and happy? He told of having no regrets about walking away from a lucrative shearing business that made him a "millionaire" to sleep under a tree in a Launceston Park. It’s a remarkable true story and you can hear about it on Silver Linings.
Terry Lees explains that for some people, less is more because they can live life without feeling trapped by emotions of the past. Terry offers insight into where we can find lasting happiness.
Relationship begins with people. Interaction with other human beings is something we crave and need in our lives. We rely on the strength of human relationships to survive and thrive. We are born into the world vulnerable, weak, and in need of physical and emotional nurturing. Immediately, we reach out to secure our first relationships. We also leave the world vulnerable and weak and, just as in infancy, we reach out for support from those around us. The level of support we get will often be based on the strength of the relationships we have created throughout our lives.
In Silver Linings, Terry Lees asks, in a world full of people, what can be more beautiful than knowing how to form healthy relationships and establish deeper connections with those around us? What can be more powerful than looking at people around you and understanding that by being kind, loving and helpful towards them, you are also being kind, loving and helpful towards yourself?
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself who you are? Not who you think you should be, but actually who you already ARE. Life Coach Allanah Hunt teaches Once upon a time you were free to think, feel and behave in a way that was a true reflection of you. It didn’t last long as very soon, people started telling you what you should think, what you should believe, how you should feel and told you what the rules of acceptable behaviour are. Somewhere inside of you though, perhaps buried very deeply, is a spark of the person you once were before the world started telling you who you should be.
In Silver Linings, Terry Lees claims the more authentic we become, the more we are authoring our lives, and not simply living someone else’s script. And the more authentic you become, the greater is your sense of well-being.
How do we spend our time on the planet? Do we fill it with mindless activity, or do we consider it a precious gift? In 1,000 Marbles, author Jeff Davis shares a modern parable about discovering and appreciating life's finite nature.
In Silver Linings, Terry Lees shares how the concept of 1,000 Marbles is quite personal for him and how he applied it to The Saturdays of My Life. Terry teaches how to get your priorities right and make the Saturdays of your life count.
“Most of us long for stronger, more creative and rewarding ways of loving each other.”
Bestselling American author and spiritual leader Marianne Williamson says: Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here. Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them.
Join Terry Lees on Silver Linings as he shares the message of love. It’s not a pipe dream – as crazy as things can get, love can abound in your life. Love is for better or worse. Love is our natural state. Love is what we are born with, the sheer joy available in this present moment when we are open and receptive to the world.
The podcast currently has 26 episodes available.