As per usual, the Similidudes podcast is safe enough for innocent ears.
1:17-14:48 Consumption Corner
Uncorking the show, seasons of Saskatchewan
Drew watches the Untouchables (1987) and goes on a Chicago kick. Learn the origin of the term “right-hand man”
Dave watches the Godfather (1972) and yes it’s a great film, but no it doesn’t praise the mafia. Count how many times Dave can say “demonic” in one segment
14:48-33:50 Similitude Proper “Vincent Van Gogh is like a Nuclear Criticality Accident”
zealous preacher, painter, and pauper. The mysterious gunshot death of Vincent Van Gogh. Louis Slotin and the spirit of the 1950s. Buried nuclear waste and complete lack of respect for human life and human arrogance. The recurring problem of Utilitarianism.
37:43-61:09 Nevergreen News
The Abbey Monks’ Beer – Similidudes fire shots at hops and discuss the drink and The Deer Hunter (1978)
The Nightmare of Valve’s ‘Utopia’ – we get in the weeds on political theory and philosophy and for some reason talk about the film Gladiator, CGI Tigers, and the now dead (but at recording time, alive) late great Sean Connery.
61:09 Videogames overthought – MMORGs are the fulfillment of base human desire. Fishing in Azshara in WoW Classic. The wonders of Feudalism