Becky Holland is the Founder and CEO at BH&P, an innovative communications brand that enables businesses with purpose to accelerate growth without limits! After a long career working with top agencies and brands such as Microsoft, English Heritage, Marks & Spencer, NatWest, Santander, Corel, Dell, Schroders, Acer and many others, Becky changed things around a bit when she had children - consulting, financial management, and creating her own cake design and wedding cake business. Three years as marketing director of a leadership development business, gave Becky a passion for coaching, leadership development and the human-side of business, so she went back into the agency-side for a bit.
Becky knew she wanted to do work that really mattered - and working in business development for someone else's agency was never going to cut it. An opportunity arose in 2015 to branch out on her own, and started BH&P, at that time Becky Holland & Partners Ltd. The huge amount of hours she put into building the brand, purpose, and team, has allowed her to do work that truly stands out. Brands large and small have trusted BH&P over the past 8 years - highlights include launching The Business Finance Guide for ICAEW and The British Business Bank, winning a 12-agency pitch to set up and run Stay Energy Safe on behalf of the national charity Crimestoppers, running the most successful global growth campaign Epicor has ever seen, launching CBILs and BBILs at the start of the pandemic - and working with brands such as Purition, Sea Change Wines, TradeBridge, innova, IDS and Levell. With the support of my phenomenal and multi-award-winning Creative Director Claus Larsen, and her incredible team - Jim, Nav, Eleni, Jamie, Sophia, Ed, Hasan, Charlotte, Ela, and Petru - as well as an extended partner network that reaches South Africa, Canada, Columbia, the US, France and China, Becky, is relentlessly focused on creating growth for our clients, growing brand equity and establishing highly creative solutions that drive significant commercial success. Becky's true passion is for big ideas, brilliantly executed. Becky is a champion for equality and diversity and is super-excited that BH&P has recently applied for B-Corp status.
Becky states, "I am reminded daily - in good times and bad - of the need to keep doing things differently" This podcast is Becky's story about becoming who she was meant to become, the CEO of one of the most innovative marketing brands in the UK today.