On this week's Simply Apple episode, Eugene and Mark discuss logical (rather than rumor-based) predictions for Apple in 2012, Eugene's explanation of how DEVONthink fits into your digital life, a non-standard review of Quicken Essentials for Mac, and Safari Extensions you may not know about.
We are extending our DEVONthink giveaway for 1 more week, so to enter the giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post and tell any of the following:
How you plan on using DEVONthink
What you think Apple will release in 2012
What apps you'd like us to review on the show
What Mac/iOS problems you have that you'd like answered on the show
How you think we're doing or how we can improve
The giveaway will end on Tuesday, January 17th at 11:59pm PST, so be sure to enter and spread the word!
As always let us know what you think of the show, structure, or content using our Tip/Feedback form on the Simply Apple website or follow us on twitter @simplyapplepod.
Mentioned in this episode:
MacHash (iOS App)
DEVONthink (Mac App Store)
MacDrifter (Keyboard Maestro Macros - Morning Start with Moom)
Keyboard Maestro (with 20% discount! - amazing app - will discuss it on a future show)
Quicken Essentials for Mac (buy at Amazon for $15)
Safari Extensions
Ultimate Status Bar
Invisible Hand
Youtube 5
Safari Adblock
1Password's 1Click Bookmarks (1Password for Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iOS Universal)
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