Well, I failed my December challenge by day 4! That might just be a record of some sort.
After a coaching call with my business coach I got discouraged and stopped creating the very things I feel strongly led to create. I've questioned for several of our calls now if I should just quit the process since I haven't felt a good connection with him for a while now.
I even question if I should have hired him in the first place. But I'm pretty sure it was a wise move at the time. He's gotten me to the place of believing that what I want to do with my life actually is possible. I was incredibly stuck when I first met him. Now I have hope that things can improve. But was that all I needed him for? And could my time be better spent doing things my way for a while again? Or am I supposed to stick it out - even though I hate how I feel, going into - and after - every call?
It's funny that I'm talking this in depth about it all here but a few calls ago he mentioned a certain attitude I "should have" about a situation I started telling him about. I said, "I already feel that way. I mentioned it in my last podcast episode" to which he replied, "I don't listen to your podcast."
Although he said he doesn't listen to anyone's podcast (though I know he does listen to the "big, popular" business oriented ones) it made me question our relationship then as well because when we first started our calls he said he didn't think I should be doing a podcast.
I know that every episode isn't the best quality and that I haven't had the amount of guests on yet that I'd prefer, but I do believe that this podcast is something I need to be doing at this time in my life.
Will I continue my December challenge? I don't know. But I'd like to try.
Will I continue with the rest of my prepaid coaching calls? Well, that I just don't know yet.
Will I continue "making stuff"? Yes. Yes I will. Because as an artist, I must. It's part of who I am. And knowing that helps me survive another day.
Thank you for listening to my show - and for reading this! You are awesome.
Until we meet again, Simply Make It Count.