Black Love is going to heal the world.
There will be a shift of consciousness that will occur due to Black love. Black love changes everything and opens all doors for us as a people and as individuals. We have been deprived from it, we have been told lies about it, we have been brainwashed from it! The future of all people has been hindered because of this.
Black love is the only thing that will heal all wounds. Black love is the only true healer! A lot of us have not experienced real black love or are trying to find it in all the wrong places, with non-black people, etc… We are being lead down a path of destruction because we do not understand our own power. And without understanding your own power you can't help others who need help as well!
We have no self-love and little self-esteem which affects everything else around us including relationships with ourselves and people close to us. Some may know how to survive but we cannot live life fully without loving ourselves first! When we don't even love ourselves what makes us think others will love us?
Black Love heals it creates healthy relationships. We have been taught to believe lies about love and how it should be shared with a partner. The whole point of the Black Love movement is for YOU TO LOVE YOU FIRST!
We can not prosper coming from a place of self-lacks or being replete of self-love, so, it's time for us to do some soul searching and get back to the basics…PLEASE!!
We have to recreate better and allow real black love to flow through healing and overcoming trauma because it's time we learn how to really live free of what's keeping us below average.
You can always find me on Facebook, TikTok & IG as @HakeemAndrsn
I also have a website with holistic therapy packages for you to start your self-mastery & healing journey.