Hello 大家好,欢迎收听我们今天的节目。相信这几天关心GPT发展的朋友们大多都发现了这样的一个事情,那就是GPT以及其他的AGI服务开始封杀用户了。最开始是Midjourney封杀了大量的免费用户,因为他们发现很多的用户在免费额度用完之后就开始批量注册新的免费用户,这样给Midjourney的服务带来了巨大的压力,因此Midjourney一不做二不休直接停止了免费用户的使用,同时还封禁了一批批量注册的账号。而就在Midjourney的风波还没过去的期间,我们又发现了Openai开始封锁不合规使用他们服务的账号了。而且不论这个账号是否开通了chatgpt plus,一时间各种猜测,各种阴谋论蜂拥而至,不过仔细一想,这些都是很正常的事情,因为这些AGI服务都是商业化的,他们的目的就是为了赚钱,而不是为了给我们免费提供服务。况且现在还有安全合规的风险,非法的不合规的使用肯定会带来一些不可预知的风险,所以一不做二不休,直接封杀。不过,我觉得openai封杀账号的背后肯定还有别的原因,我不是什么阴谋论者,也不知道任何的内幕,但是从一些事情变化的迹象上看,还是能够窥探出一些信息的。
我们都知道,openai在3月14日公布了他们的GPT4模型,并且直接就开发了服务,Chatgpt plus的用户可以直接的使用GPT4模型用于他们的对话,这一点是值得称赞的。但是GPT4的服务性能直到今天都还没能够得到明显的提升。甚至还有劣化的情况,毕竟一开始GPT4的使用限制是每小时100个对话,然后逐渐降到了印象中是每2小时50个对话,最近则又降到了每3小时25个对话。其实我认为这才是openai目前封禁用户不合规使用的主要原因,据我看到的消息生成,每一个用户使用chatgpt完成一次对话,平均openai会独占2两块A100显卡5秒钟。而考虑到GPT4模型的规模要大很多,资源的使用势必也会翻倍,这样也就不难解释为什么GPT4的服务质量一直很难得到提升的原因了,因为目前GPT4的使用量显然还处于上升期,而这个阶段资源消耗的增量显然是高于优化速度的,这从前面的使用量限制就不难看出来,那么在这种情况下,作为openai最明星的产品,如何能够保障,就别说提升了,GPT4的服务呢,最为简单有效的方式就是更加合理的分配chatgpt对于资源的消耗了,而为了实现这个,最简单的方法当然就是停止或者限制非法使用的情况。这也就不难解释为什么openai会在现在动手了。
This a list of useful words that frequently appear in academic texts and on the TOEFL. Keep in mind that this is just a small sample, and you should continue to expand your vocabulary beyond these words.
Analyze (verb, 分析) - to examine in detail, typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
Explanation: Analyzing involves breaking down complex information or data into smaller, more understandable components to gain insights or make decisions.
Example: Scientists analyze data from experiments to draw conclusions about their hypotheses.
Cite (verb, 引用) - to quote as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement.
Explanation: Citing involves mentioning or referencing specific sources or examples to support a claim or argument.
Example: In academic papers, authors cite previous research to build upon existing knowledge.
Comprehend (verb, 理解) - to grasp mentally; understand.
Explanation: Comprehending refers to the ability to fully understand or make sense of something, either through reading, listening, or observation.
Example: Learning a new language helps improve one's ability to comprehend different cultures and perspectives.
Diverse (adjective, 多样的) - showing a great deal of variety; very different.
Explanation: Describes a wide range of distinct elements, characteristics, or individuals, often leading to greater creativity and adaptability.
Example: A diverse workforce can bring unique perspectives and skills to a company.
Evaluate (verb, 评估) - to form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess.
Explanation: Evaluating involves making judgments or determining the worth or effectiveness of something, often based on specific criteria or evidence.
Example: Teachers evaluate student performance through exams and assignments.
Hypothesis (noun, 假设) - a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
Explanation: A hypothesis is a tentative idea or theory that can be tested through experiments or observations to determine its validity.
Example: The scientist formed a hypothesis about the relationship between the variables and designed an experiment to test it.
Justify (verb, 证明) - to show or prove to be right or reasonable.
Explanation: Justifying involves providing evidence, reasoning, or arguments that demonstrate the correctness or acceptability of a decision, action, or belief.
Example: The manager justified the budget increase by presenting data on the project's potential benefits.
Objective (adjective, 客观的) - not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
Explanation: Objective statements or assessments are based on facts, evidence, or logic, rather than subjective feelings or opinions.
Example: An objective evaluation of a product's performance should be based on measurable criteria and data.
Perspective (noun, 观点) - a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
Explanation: A perspective is an individual's unique way of understanding or interpreting a situation, event, or concept, often shaped by personal experiences and beliefs.
Example: Considering multiple perspectives can help create a more comprehensive understanding of an issue.
Primary (adjective, 主要的) - of chief importance; principal.
Explanation: Describes something that is the most important or essential in a particular context, often serving as a foundation for other elements or aspects.
Example: The primary goal of the project is to improve customer satisfaction.
Relevance (noun, 相关性) - the quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate.
Explanation: Relevance refers to the degree to which something is related or applicable to a specific context, topic, or issue.
Example: The article's content has strong relevance to the current debate on climate change.
Significant (adjective, 重要的) - sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.
Explanation: Describes something that is important, meaningful, or influential, often having a noticeable or lasting impact.
Example: The discovery of penicillin had a significant effect on medicine and healthcare.
Substantiate (verb, 证实) - to provide evidence to support or prove the truth of something.
Explanation: Substantiating involves presenting facts, data, or other forms of evidence that support or confirm a claim, argument, or belief.
Example: The researcher substantiated her theory with empirical data collected from her experiments.
Theoretical (adjective, 理论的) - concerned with or involving the general principles or ideas of a subject, rather than its practical application.
Explanation: Theoretical approaches focus on the abstract, conceptual aspects of a subject, as opposed to the practical, real-world applications or implications.
Example: Theoretical physics seeks to understand the fundamental principles of the universe through mathematical models and equations.
Widespread (adjective, 广泛的) - found or distributed over a large area or number of people.
Explanation: Describes something that is common, prevalent, or extensive, often spanning a broad geographic area or affecting many individuals.
Example: The widespread use of smartphones has changed the way people communicate and access information.
Ambiguous (adjective, 模糊的) - open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
Explanation: Describes something that is unclear, vague, or open to multiple interpretations, often leading to confusion or uncertainty.
Example: The ambiguous wording of the contract led to a disagreement between the parties.
Coherent (adjective, 连贯的) - logically connected; consistent; having a clear and orderly presentation of ideas or thoughts.
Explanation: Coherent ideas, arguments, or narratives are logically organized and easy to understand, with a clear and consistent structure.
Example: The author presented a coherent argument by logically organizing their points and providing relevant evidence.
Correlate (verb, 关联) - to have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another.
Explanation: Correlating involves identifying or establishing a relationship between two or more variables, often implying a causal link or association.
Example: Studies have shown that high levels of stress can correlate with a weakened immune system.
Discrepancy (noun, 差异) - a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts; an inconsistency.
Explanation: Discrepancies are differences or inconsistencies between pieces of information, data, or expectations, often indicating an error or misunderstanding.
Example: The discrepancy between the reported figures and the actual results raised questions about the accuracy of the data.
Empirical (adjective, 实证的) - based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
Explanation: Empirical evidence or approaches rely on observation, experimentation, or practical experience, as opposed to theoretical or purely logical explanations.
Example: Empirical research in psychology often involves observing and measuring human behavior in various contexts.
Inference (noun, 推断) - a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
Explanation: An inference is a reasoned judgment or assumption based on available information, evidence, or observations, often used to make predictions or explanations.
Example: Detectives use inferences to piece together clues and solve crimes.
Notion (noun, 概念) - a conception of or belief about something; an idea or understanding of something.
Explanation: A notion is an individual's mental representation or understanding of a concept, idea, or belief, often influenced by personal experiences, education, or culture.
Example: Different cultures may have distinct notions about the concept of family.
Prevalent (adjective, 流行的) - widespread in a particular area or at a particular time; common or dominant.
Explanation: Describes something that is common, widespread, or dominant within a specific context, often reflecting a trend or widely-held belief.
Example: Solar energy has become more prevalent as people search for sustainable energy sources.
Scrutinize (verb, 仔细检查) - to examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
Explanation: Scrutinizing involves careful, detailed examination or analysis of something, often to detect errors, inconsistencies, or hidden information.
Example: Auditors scrutinize financial records to ensure their accuracy and compliance with regulations.
Undermine (verb, 削弱) - to weaken or damage, especially gradually or insidiously.
Explanation: Undermining refers to actions or processes that gradually weaken, damage, or sabotage something or someone, often in a subtle or indirect manner.
Example: Constant criticism can undermine an individual's self-confidence and motivation.
To better complete the independent written tasks in the TOEFL, you should follow a clear and coherent structure. This will make your essay easy to follow and understand. Here is a suggested structure to guide you:
No.1. Introduction
Introduce the topic and provide some context.
State the main question or issue you will address in your essay.
Briefly outline your stance on the issue and the main points you will discuss.
No.2. Body
Divide the body into several paragraphs (usually 2-4, depending on the required length of the essay). Each paragraph should focus on one main point or argument.
Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that summarizes the main point of the paragraph.
Provide evidence, examples, or explanations to support the point. This may include citing sources, providing relevant data, or using personal experiences.
Link your points logically and coherently. Use transitional phrases or sentences to guide the reader from one idea to the next.
No.3. Counterarguments (optional)
In some cases, it may be necessary to address opposing viewpoints or counterarguments.
Present the counterargument briefly and objectively, then refute it using evidence or logical reasoning.
This can help to strengthen your overall argument and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic.
No.4. Conclusion
Summarize your main points and restate your thesis or stance on the issue.
Emphasize the significance or relevance of your argument.
Offer some suggestions for further research or investigation, if applicable.
End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.
Some additional tips for writing a successful TOEFL independent task essay include:
Plan your essay before you start writing. This will help you stay focused and organized.
Use clear and concise language. Avoid overly complex sentences or jargon.
Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Errors can detract from the overall quality of your essay.
Practice writing essays on various topics to improve your writing skills and become more comfortable with the essay structure.
The decision of where to raise children has significant implications for their development and well-being. While some people advocate for the opportunities and advantages provided by big cities, others argue that small towns and rural areas offer a more nurturing environment for children. This essay will analyze and evaluate the advantages of each perspective, synthesizing the various notions and theoretical concepts, and ultimately determining the ideal environment for children.
Big cities offer a diverse range of experiences for children, enabling them to comprehend the complexities of modern life. These urban environments often boast well-funded schools, which facilitate access to the latest technology and innovative teaching methods. Empirical evidence substantiates the claim that city schools may be more effective in preparing students for their futures. For instance, research conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics found a positive correlation between urbanicity and academic achievement in the United States. Furthermore, cities offer a wide array of extracurricular activities, fostering the development of children's interests and talents.
However, the fast-paced lifestyle in big cities can be detrimental to children's well-being. Constant exposure to noise, pollution, and stress may undermine their physical and mental health. Additionally, the prevalence of crime and safety concerns can contradict the nurturing environment essential for children's growth. Parents must carefully evaluate the potential hazards associated with urban living, weighing the benefits against the potential drawbacks.
Despite the theoretical advantages of city living, small towns and rural areas offer a more peaceful and coherent environment for children. The strong sense of community in these areas can help develop children's social skills and emotional intelligence. The slower pace of life allows children to spend more time outdoors, engaging with nature, and participating in physical activities. This hands-on experience can lead to a deeper comprehension of the world around them, fostering a sense of curiosity and wonder.
One primary advantage of small-town life is the close-knit community that often exists in these environments. Children growing up in small towns have the opportunity to form strong bonds with their neighbors, teachers, and peers, leading to a sense of belonging and security. This supportive network can be particularly beneficial during challenging times, providing a safety net for families in need.
Nonetheless, small towns and rural areas often lack the resources available in big cities. Educational facilities in these regions might not have the necessary funding and infrastructure to provide the same quality of education as their urban counterparts. Moreover, the scarcity of cultural institutions and events can restrict children's exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences.
In the quest to determine the ideal environment for children, it is important to consider the relevance of each factor in their development. While access to quality education and diverse experiences is crucial, so too is the need for a supportive and nurturing community. Parents must weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of each environment, bearing in mind their unique circumstances and priorities.
To make an informed decision, parents can cite examples from their own experiences, as well as the experiences of others. This process may involve examining case studies, interviewing families who have raised children in various environments, and even simulating potential scenarios. By gathering a wide range of perspectives and evidence, parents can better understand the implications of their choices and make a decision that aligns with their values and objectives.
In conclusion, both big cities and small towns offer advantages and disadvantages for raising children. Cities provide a wealth of resources and opportunities, while small towns offer a more supportive and tranquil environment. The ideal setting for children is one that balances the benefits of both worlds, perhaps a small city or suburban area, where children can access resources and opportunities while still enjoying the support and serenity of a close-knit community. Parents must carefully scrutinize the various factors at play and determine the best course of action based on their individual circumstances and goals. Ultimately, the well-being and success of children depend on the choices made by their caregivers, who must carefully consider the implications of each environment and make informed decisions that best suit their children's needs.
To ensure that children can thrive in their chosen environment, parents must be aware of the ambiguities and discrepancies that may arise in each setting. This awareness can help them navigate the complexities and challenges of raising children in different environments. A proactive approach to addressing potential issues, such as ensuring access to quality education, fostering connections within the community, and promoting a healthy balance between work and leisure, can significantly impact children's development and happiness.
Ultimately, the choice between raising children in a big city or a small town depends on the specific objectives and values of each family. By considering the various factors involved, parents can make informed decisions that promote their children's well-being and personal growth. In the end, the most important factor is the love, care, and attention provided by parents and caregivers, as this will have the most profound and lasting impact on a child's life, regardless of the environment in which they grow up.