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Is Real Estate Coaching Right for You?
I've had the opportunity to coach hundreds of real estate agents, and because of this, I know what it takes to be a successful coaching client. I've laid out 6 qualities I've noticed in coaching clients that hold them back from success. Before you invest in coaching, ask yourself if these qualities describe you.
Not self-motivated- When you come to one of our sessions, you will probably be fired up, but how will you sustain that energy? You need to channel your motivation into action. If you need constant motivation from outside yourself, coaching will not work for you.Pessimistic- If you've been disappointed by every product you've ever purchased or every mentor you've ever had, coaching will not work for you.Seeking a Magic Bullet: Real estate coaching is not a quick fix. It is about getting down and dirty and figuring out why your business isn't working, and it's also about taking action and fixing it. If you're afraid of hard work, coaching is certainly not for you.Know-It-All: Coaching brings a fresh set of eyes into your business, and if you can't handle constructive criticism, then you will not make a good client. You need to be open to learning new things and utilizing your talents in different ways.Poor Listener: If you cannot listen, then you cannot change. If all you're interested in doing is talking about the problems in your business rather than taking action to solve them, coaching is not for you.Despise Accountability: Accountability is what makes results happen in your business. The best of the best seek out accountability, they actually crave it and look for it in every area of their business. If you cannot do handle being held accountable to take concrete action, then coaching is simply not for you.
If you're confident about your business but know that something is wrong and you're willing to work hard to fix it, you might be a great candidate for real estate coaching. If you are not willing to put in the necessary effort to fix your business, I don't want you to waste your time or money implementing systems that you won't follow. I want you to be ready for success grow your business and then sustain that growth.
If you are hungry for a more successful career, then please contact me and we can discuss what you need to do to attain success.