Theme: Skype Hidden Emoticons (video)
Supported by: - Create Flash Presentations in the browser
Skype hidden emoticons:
1. (mooning)
2. (finger)
3. (bandit)
4. (toivo)
5. (headbang)
6. (rock)
7. (smoke)
8. (drunk)
where xx is 2-letter country code, like in e-mail address. Examples: (flag:us), (flag:ru)
Mac Only: How to turn on the hidden Emoticons on Mac: (from post on
1. Control-click on the Skype icon and choose Show Package Contents from the pop-up menu.
2. Navigate into Contents -> Resources -> Emoticons.
3. Control-click on Animated Emoticons.SkypeEmoticonset and choose Show Package Contents again.
4. In the new window that opens, down at the bottom you'll find Emoticons.plist.
5. Open it with a text editor (back it up first), and make sure Skype isn't running.
6. Now scroll down to the end of the document and find the first emoticon with the line Hidden (starting after the emoticon "star"). Simply delete the lines...
...under every hidden emoticon, save the file, and you're done.
7. The hidden emoticons will now show as a regular option in Skype. The Emoticons may vary depending on your version of the program.
SkypeMe: skypepodcast
e-mail: [email protected]