In episode ten of the podcast, I talk to Jonas Andrew-Phillip and Emmanuela Onah, two incredible 18-year-olds that are determined to change the narrative on what it looks like to be young, black and British in 2020.
Emma and Jonas share how they have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, how it has impacted their work ethic and wellbeing, and the wider impact on the younger generation. Exploring the effect of predicted grades and virtual learning for all students.
About episode ten's speakers:
Jonas Andrew-Phillip is a young advisor at Success Looks Like You and currently a Business Administration apprentice. His aspirations are to inspire people to acquire the necessary tangible and intangible expertise that are essential to living a happy, healthy, and successful life through the Let's Talk Facts podcast, talks, workshops, and much more. I began public speaking in April 2019, and since then I have had the privilege to speak in America, which I am extremely grateful for. My favorite quote is "I will never lose I will win or learn"-Nelson Mandela
Emma is a student tech blogger, coder, maker, and electronic engineer, passionate about increasing racial and gender diversity in STEM, as well as finding out how things work. Specifically, she has an interest in finding sustainable solutions to technological problems, especially as they relate to electronics. She will be featuring in a webinar series with Success Looks Like You, where she will talk about how she started, what her interests in tech are, and her newest coding competition.