Have you ever had an amazing idea that you truly believed was the "next big thing" until you searched on google, only to realize others have beaten you to it? Well, that is exactly what our guest this week, Shari Ford did just three short years ago. However, when Shari searched "Aronia Berries" on google, she realized nobody had produced her idea. One google search, lead to the start of the next best wellness drink on the market today. Tohi, a healthy lifestyle beverage based in Kansas City, is a wellness drink created out of aronia berries. If you have not heard of the aronia berry, do not worry because you will! Shari Ford and her team launched Tohi just two short years ago and it is taking the market by storm. In this episode we dive deep into what makes Tohi so great, what the aronia berry is, and the background behind the brand.
With a career as an entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Shari Ford has seen it all. She shares with us what she believes is the most important pieces in making it as an entrepreneur. Some of her key take away's include:
- Raising your hand when opportunity comes knocking.
- No losses, just lessons
- To be an incredible entrepreneur, you must be an incredible optimist
- You must truly believe in your brand before you go all in
- Be resilient to outside noise
- Having a plan in place before you go all in as there is no shortcuts in becoming successful
To learn more about Tohi and what makes Shari so successful, listen to the full episode. To find out more information on Tohi, follow the links below:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drinktohi/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrinkTohi/
Website: https://drinktohi.com/