What Mark has shown until this point in the ministry of Jesus is a wide response to Israel's Messiah. Some follow Him closely, some come out to be healed but don’t follow Him, some decide that He has to be killed. How does one man, one message, get so many different responses? Why does this same good news today sound to some people like a death sentence, and to others like the cure from death they have been searching for? Jesus teaches a parable that connects these two ideas. God’s good news that never changes, and the very wide human response to it. If we listen to Jesus carefully as He teaches, we will hear Him give a warning to the human heart. The gospel is good news, to those who trust in God. But Jesus’ teaching about the nature of the gospel is that it is as dangerous as it is beautiful. Listening carefully to Jesus, each one of us should consider His warning to the human heart, which as Jeremiah says, is desperately wicked.