What do we have in common? More than you might think, says Clayton Moore, retired police officer and author of the book Good Cop, Black Cop: Guilty Until Proven Innocent. Clayton believes that we can co-exist and even work together as long as we have respectful dialog and by respecting each other's experiences, feelings, and points of view.
While Clayton served 32 years as a police officer, it wasn’t necessarily his life-long dream. Yet when he was unjustly fired from the police force in 2008, he disputed the false claims, was reinstated, and served another 10 years before retiring. He credits his faith, family, and friends for maintaining his strength through this painful ordeal.
Just as he knew he was a police officer for a reason, Clayton says he was driven to write his memoir to help bring communities together by focusing on respectful dialogue through a four-phase process that involves communication, objectives, planning, and execution, or COPE. And, as Clayton notes, you can't have COPE without cop.
To pick up a copy of Clayton’s book, you can find it on Amazon and on his web site, goodcopblackcop.com
Clayton remains active in his community since retiring and still enjoys connecting with people, working with kids, and coaching.
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