Fear stops us from chasing our dreams!
Whatever that fear might be, the fear of other people's opinions, the fear of rejection, the fear of not being good enough or smart enough or whatever it may be it stops people from having a life they truly want! It's stopping you from having the life that you truly deserve! Not just the life that you want but the life that you deserve! Because I believe that every single person deserves to have an amazing life and fear of something is keeping you from getting it.
So I'm here to ask you, what is your biggest fear? And I don't mean the fear of spiders, I don't mean the fear of heights. What is the fear deep down to the core of you that is holding you back from following your dreams, from starting that business, from becoming a painter, a tattoo artist, becoming a public speaker, from starting that podcast to coaching other people.
What is the fear that's holding you back from doing that?
Because fear is stopping you from everything that you want, it's stopping you from starting your business, from asking that person out, from pursuing that dream that you have. A feeling deep down to your core is the reason why your alive, fear is holding you back from that. Do you see why fear is the worse feeling in the world?
Let me also tell you this fear is the root of hate, because you fear what you don't know. And It's easier to hate than it is to understand and to love. And so fear is the root of hate.
If you don't understand another person, you don't understand their past or what they've been through, you just see them from a face value sometimes, people hate, they hate for no reason sometimes. But if you can truly understand someone, if you can make that connection, you can see what they've gone through and why they are the way that they are, even If they have a different political belief than you, even if they have a different religion than you. When you see someone and who they have become, why they went through all the things they went through and how they went through all the things they went through then you can never hate them, you can never hate somebody when you truly understand them.
I wanna talk about how to get past the feeling of fear. Here's another thing I'll tell you, fear of failure has nothing to do with failure, fear of rejection has nothing to do with rejection, none of those things are actually the fear of failure or the fear of rejection. It's a fear that my insecurities will come to light. You know like If I'm out there and I have a fear of rejection, then what's really happening is that I'm afraid that somebody will say no to me weather that's a date, weather that's a business proposal, If I have a fear of rejection or someone saying no in my sales pitch, if I have a fear of rejection, really what it is of someone saying no to me, I'm not afraid of them saying no, I'm afraid of them saying no and then the spiral that my mind will go down to show me that I'm not good enough, that I'm not smart enough, that I'll never be successful, that I don't deserve success, I'm afraid not of the actual rejection because that's just words coming out of someone's mouth. I'm afraid of what my mind is going to do with the words coming out of someone's mouth.
Fear of failure has nothing to do with failure. Fear of rejection has nothing to do with rejection.