My guest today is Sanchali Pal, the CEO & Founder of a newly launching sustainability social enterprise, Joro. Joro is a soon to be launched app that helps you track your daily carbon footprint and see how your sustainable actions impact your life, but also add up to big impact in aggregate. Joro does this by giving users a carbon score to help them understand their daily impacts on things like travel, spending, and consumption and then helping give them pushes and rewards for sustainable activity that can be used for sustainable products or to support sustainable projects. They are about to launch the beta, so head over to their website at joro (J-O-R-O) DOT tech (T-E-C-H) to sign up to take part.
Sanchali's personal story is amazing. She is a graduate of Princeton for her undergrad, and received her MBA from Harvard. She has been in the worlds of social impact and tech for her entire career, including global development consulting on smart cities and urban development across Asia, Europe, Africa and US as part of the widely respected development consultancy, Dalberg . Though entrepreneurship has been a key focus of her career journey, she has also spent time working for the likes of Tesla and Morgan Stanley.
Our conversation moves from her background to how Joro came together. What it takes to build a great team, and consequently how hers is made up. How Joro is designed and why design matters can impact people and motivate decision-making. To the language and action around climate change and sustainability, how that adds up and what some of the biggest myths and challenges are moving forward.
This is a bit of a spoiler, but I was shocked to learn some of the pitfalls of recycling for instance, I learned I need to work a bit more to have the sustainable impacts I assumed I was having. But people like Sanchali have a way of educating while also inspiring.
I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and I hope you do too. Without any further or do, here's Sanchali Pal of Joro.
0:00 - 3:02 - Intro
3:02 - 5:52 Sanchali's Background - Journey to Joro.
5:52 - 8:27 How did Joro come together? How did you meet and assemble your team? What does it take to be a good team?
8:27 - 10:21 How is Joro designed to help make people more sustainable? How can design be leveraged to help motibate people to change their actions?
10:22 - 11:50 How is the language around climate change impacting narratives and action around the issue?
11:50 - 14:52 What is the vision for Joro? How will it ultimately work into the lives of users?
14:52 - 18:58 How can we drive more people to think about sustainability? What is the effect on the larger concept of sustainability for individuals who use Joro, but also for the wider population, particularly those that might not be as interested in sustainability?
18:58 - 20:44 What is the biggest challenge for people to live more sustainably?
20:44 - 24:54 Biggest myths/misconceptions around sustainability.
25:02 - 29:22 What role do you envision technological innovations playing vs, or in addition to ,individual actions?
29:41 - 30:55 Best ways to keep up with Joro
Take a look at Joro here: Joro.Tech
Take the Climate Pledge to lower your carbon footprint -
Connect with Sanchali on Linkedin or Twitter
Check out her VentureFizz interview here -