Michele chats with indie developer Benedicte Raae about getting into public speaking through streaming.
Follow Benedicte on Twitter! https://twitter.com/raae
Benedicte's website: https://queen.raae.codes/
StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/
A couple friends of this pod have launched their own shows for entrepreneurs lately! Check them out:
Ship SaaS Faster (Simon Bennett + Volkan Kaya): https://shipsaasfaster.com/
Marketing Retro (Adrienne Barnes + Josh Ho): https://marketingretro.substack.com/
The Weekly Build (Marie Ng + Jesse Anderson): https://www.theweeklybuild.com/
This Indie Life (James McKinven + Dagobert Renouf): https://indielife.fm/
The Non-Tech Founders Podcast (Laura Elizabeth and Nathan Powell): https://nontechfounders.transistor.fm/
Huge thanks to all of our listeners who’ve become Software Socialites and support our show! You can become a supporter for $100 a year at softwaresocial.dev/supporters
- Chris from Chipper CI
- The Daringly Handsome Kevin Griffin
- And Mike from Gently Used Domains, who has a nice personality
- Dave from Recut
- Max of OnlineOrNot
- Stefan from Talk to Stefan
- Brendan Andrade of Bright Bits
- Team Tuple
- Alex Hillman from The Tiny MBA
- Ramy from Hovercode and Rocket Gems
- Jane and Benedikt from Userlist
- Kendall Morgan
- Ruben Gamez of SignWell
- Corey Haines of SwipeWell
- Mike Wade of Crowd Sentry
- Nate Ritter of Room Steals
- Anna Maste of Subscribe Sense
- Geoff Roberts from Outseta
- Justin Jackson, MegaMaker
- Jack Ellis and Paul Jarvis from Fathom Analytics
- Matthew from Appointment Reminder
- Andrew Culver at Bullet Train
- John Kostor
- Alex of Corso Systems
- Richard from Stunning
- Josh,the annoyingly pragmatic founder
- Ben from Consent Kit
- John from Credo and EditorNinja
- Cam Sloan
- Michael Koper of Nusii Proposals
- Chris from Urlbox
- Caeli of Tosslet
- Greg Park from TraitLab
- Adam from Rails Autoscale
- Lana and Alex from Recapsy
- Joe Masilotti of railsdevs.com
- Proud MaMa from Oplnet, LLC
- Anna from Kradl
- Moncef from Ruby on Mac
- Steve of Be Inclusive
- Simon Bennett of SnapShooter Backups
- Josh Smith of Keyhero.io
- Jesper Christiansen of FormBackend
- Matthew Wojtowicz of WorkCited
- Chris of Jetboost.io
- Daryl Shannon of Docamatic
- Larabelles - the community for women, non-binary and trans Laravel developers
- Arvid Kahl
- James Sowers from Castaway.fm
- Jessica Malnik
- Damian Moore of Audio Audit Podcast Checker
- Eldon from NodleStudios
- Mitchell Davis from RecruitKit