The final vision (10:1-12:13)
Prediction of the time readers live through
Persia then Greece (11:2-4)
kings of the south and kings of the north (11:5-20)
a contemptible person (11:21-35) and the restpattern prediction (11:36-45)
Four implications
expect victors to be defeated (11:4,6,9,12,14,16,17,18,19,20,25,27,29,45)
expect God’s people to be victims of defeat and frustration (11:14,16,22,30-35,41)
recognise our God’s control of everything (11:2 cf. 10:21 and 11:24,27,29,35,36,40)
let what God reveals define folly and wisdom (11:14,30-35)