In our TECHNOLOGY TERROR™ series we explore the brave new world of workplace technology interdependence. The relationship with technology should be based on mutual respect and reliance on each other. Not based on resentment of one another or frustration with unequal contributions. There are instances were some may feel dependent on technology (e.g., "the computers are down so there is nothing that we can do today"); but that should not be the daily reality. Humans created technology as a tool to enhance our lives, for the technology to assist us with our endeavors. We explore the challenges regarding technology in the modern workplaces and the opportunities for us to reframe our behavior and choices to create a healthy and enjoyable technology relationship and not be in a state of "Technology Terror!"
In this episode we explore the embarassment, frustration and challenges that occur when we perceive that technology has negatively impacted (or even "ruined") our work tasks. Specifically, when a meeting is hampered by technology malfunctions. Presentations that don't load or display, call in conferences that don't work, shared screens that aren't sharing, and on and on. What can we do to escape our state of TECHNOLOGY TERROR and reclaim our functioning technology assisted meetings?
© Courtney Anderson Enterprises LLC [email protected]