Have you ever thought about starting a business, an idea that sits in the back of your head— but then you decided it was too improbable to churn into a profitable endeavor? Well, for you sitting on the bench, so to speak, I’d like you to meet Chuck Mefford. This dude can teach how to understand your businesses as an idea, or brand, in order to give it the best chance of survival.
Instead of thinking, “well there are already a bunch of wedding photography businesses or coffee shops, why the heck would I enter into a crowded market like that?” Chuck can help understand how to set your business apart and Tickle the toes, Touch the heart, Change the Mind of your potential base—and do it on budget. If you have a good idea, and you always wondered if pursuing it is a practical effort, whether you’ve started a band, podcast and just your personal brand— this episode is for you.