英語の発音とリズムをつかむのに英語カラオケが良いとの説を真に受けて練習してます。 ショボいあいぽん付属品マイクに雑音入ったり喋ってて途中で噛んだりしてるけど大目に見てね!にんげんだものw 今回の歌 (WINTER CAROL) の歌詞: Icy sparkly light, jewels on the ground Tiny snowflakes lie still all around Listen, Listen, there’s hardly a sound Winter is here again *** And the frost on the trees could be springtime blossom While the stars up above take us somewhere unknown There’s no deep-end on the ripple on the water today It’s a beauty to behold, when it gets this cold… Picture postcard, winter scene, Not a single patch of green Hallejuja! Praise our lord! For this wonderful time of year