In this thought-provoking podcast episode, join host Suki Eleuterio as she delves into the significance of allowing ourselves to experience and embrace the days when our energy and frequencies are low. In a society that glorifies constant productivity and high energy, it's essential to acknowledge the value of these seemingly unproductive periods.
Throughout the episode you can: explore various strategies to navigate these low-frequency days with compassion and acceptance. They emphasize the importance of self-compassion, restorative practices, and the power of simply being present with our emotions. Listeners will gain practical insights on how to create space for self-reflection, nurturing activities, and the opportunity to recharge without guilt.
Prepare to be inspired, validated, and encouraged to embrace the full spectrum of human experience. Tune in to this enlightening podcast episode, where Suki, reminds us that not everything revolves around productivity, and that our low-energy days can serve as powerful catalysts for self-discovery and personal well-being.