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In this episode I reflect on the Carl Rogers quote "The Curious Paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change." I also talk about how accepting what is can look different than what we expect. We can be feeling our best one morning and that same day spiral downward. In these instances I recommend going down and throwing a pity party so you can come back up. Rhythms baby, it's natural.
Wow wow wow! Releasing this episode feels like a dream. This is what I am here to do, this is my jam, and what I am all about. I have been told I need to master one thing and that I do too many things. People have wanted me to take up less space, fit into boxes, brands, color pallets and labels. I absorbed these limiting beliefs like a sponge, shrinking to fit the mold others wanted me to fit in. I let that stop me from going for what I really desire in life...then at one point I realized these beliefs were untruths and that they never belonged to me in the first place.
This episode is a free flowin' talk that's all about my current relationship to food and cooking in regard to my personal relationships and how food basically becomes another relationship when other people are added to the mix. I love talking about food and know many things I said today will no longer be true as I continue on with my food story. I hope this gets you thinking about your own food story!
Here's a random note I found in my journal about freedom and grace, written May 23, 2021.
This episode is like my OG Soul Stories! It comes from my notebook and it basically wrote itself! I explore my masculine and feminine energies and how they can work together to create my dream life. I came to it in a round about way but that's what makes it all the more interesting to me. I could feel the story before I knew where it was taking me and then...Bam! One day it all came together. Perhaps you will want to explore the polarity within you...everything we need is within us.
Here's just a lil' soul story about soul stories.
This is what I'm workin' with! I feel a lot coming up around the need to be steady, stable, reliable and consistent. However, this is not actually how I want to live my life. My edge is always embracing what is true for me and right now I am embracing change, flow, and the freedom to fully be me moment to moment.
This meditation is a practice in being mindful of emotion and non discrimination. It is when we judge or attach story to the emotions that arise that we get taken out of the present moment. This session will help you cultivate the space to be a witness to your emotions without getting pulled in by them. I made this for all emotions but I highly recommend practicing this meditation when you don't feel like being with your emotions. Usually the medicine we need is what we are avoiding. So, if you have been avoiding being with certain emotions, know that you have the space to be with them and I will guide you through it.
I get into how I feel about the coaching industry, labels, and limitations.
I am not here to put myself in a box.
I am here to be human.
I am here to embrace and express my essence.
This was a free flowin' episode and this season is all. about. that. Everyday I ask myself "How do I want to share a story today? What would feel the best? What sounds like fun?" This can look like writing in my journal, taking photos, creating a meal, a reel, or an IGTV. Often it is to verbally share a story but Instagram ain't cutting it. I desire more space to let my stories live and be free. Sooo...Season two will have more of these free flowin' heart talks and be a place where I can fully express what comes through me as it does its thang. I am also not going to hold myself to weekly episodes because everyday is different and I am going to let my desire lead. I am excited for what is to come!
The podcast currently has 21 episodes available.