Welcome to Souls Outside!
In this episode…
I share my full story of how I (Shannon M. Pole) became a hypnotherapist! And then get you started on your own exploration with a short activity!We open by chatting about: Souls Outside! And what you can expect from each episode
As always, we have AUDIO, VIDEO & PRINT versions of this content – choose how you prefer to engage!
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Show Notes + Links to Gifts & More!
0:00 Welcome & Overview of Today’s Episode
01:13 Intro to Souls Outside
02:06 Let’s start by chatting about Shannon M. Pole’s (your host!) journey to hypnotherapy!
20:43 And let’s learn how to follow in Shannon M. Pole’s soulprints with a warm up your brain activity!
28:13 Thanks to our Founding Sponsors!
29:21 P.S.
Continue to journey in Shannon M. Pole’s Soulprints with a Power Nap ! A 10-min guided hypnotherapy track to have your own experience! Join our Souls Outside Gathering Place Facebook Group to access more opportunities to explore!
Shannon M. Pole, TNLP, TTLT, TCHt
Master Results Coach & Hypnotherapist
Host of Souls Outside
Author of the forthcoming book, Overlooked
Shannon empowers women currently locked in by the system to reclaim their magic and fill in the missing pieces to become highly skilled leaders and communicators, both at home and out in the world.
Having doubted her own path for over a decade, wondering where she fit in and constantly asking herself “Why bother?” “What’s the point?”, Shannon broke free and chose to follow expert guidance for how to leverage her natural talents into solid, proven skills of excellence. Plus, she realized that there was a way to honour her hearts original desire to be an outdoor guide while living in the city!
From engineering graduate and worker bee to Head of an Internationally Recognized Institute of NLP, Hypnosis and TLT, Shannon is guiding women, groups and teams through a proven system to move beyond second guessing yourself. It’s about becoming the strong, graceful, confident woman you know you are.
Beyond her career, Shannon is happiest while reading a novel, paddling a canoe or dancing a Highland fling, especially when joined by her husband – friends and family are welcome too 😊
Shannon can show you the right way to be more than you ever thought you could be, breaking yourself free from the bonds of society, and creating an amazing career while staying true yourself.