Originally I did not record this podcast to go public, its information is so disturbing that sharing this has really been an intimidating experience. DO NOT let your children listen to this podcast, it is for a MATURE audience only as its information is quite graphic and dark. Oddly enough this was the very last podcast I was able to create because my microphone broke right after I made it. This is a psychic vision I have had that literally brought everything into one crystallized moment, This included my own life and purpose, along with the unfolding of the final faze of the hidden alien agenda. I am releasing this podcast solely upon the intense request from the divine consciousness I am one with, my spirit over the last 2 weeks will not let me rest unless I share this, so here it is. Brace yourself, it is not for the weak of heart. Understand that we are all here at this time to witness this era, no one is here by chance. If you are on Earth right now you are here to be a part of and witness these changes, so trust that and teach yourself to walk with the divine that exists within you. It is a power and position that will serve you quite well if you chose that position. This podcast does not claim the world is ending, so do not get confused in that way by it, I have had lots of other visions that go as far into the future as 2032, and in those visions I see humans working together to heal a badly damaged world. So do not lose faith in the real fact that we can together create a brighter day and way for each other, and this living Earth. Trust in your power, and trust in your spirit/self. It is my hope in putting this out that somehow it will change what I see coming, Until I get my microphone fixed you can find me on the new Wisdom app under the mentor name of "souls4totalfreedom". I will be doing live daily talks for at least the next month so tune in! #podcast #FuturePremonition #PsychicVision #Russia #Ukraine #AlienAgenda #WisdomApp