In Episode 38 - What is a General Counsel Dan Watkins helps to explain why every business should have access to an experienced business attorney - a general counsel. If you're a company owner and you are trying to do everything right in the best way you can for your company, you're going to have general counsel, and that attorney or couple of attorneys or law firm will advise you on things that have to do with your business, your field specifically, and in general, You'll also have a banking relationship because opportunities come along and if you wait to go get your banking relationship started, you're behind the eight ball. And also expenses happen. You need to have some kind of a flexibility there, some backup. And finally, and maybe most importantly, you'll have some type of accountant who's a professional. I'm not talking about if you're still just using a CPA or your tax person. I'm talking about how do you define what is profit? How do you define it to match what you are doing to match tax deductions, to match zoning, to match licensing, to match future sales, your exit strategy, to match all those things. How do you get your accounting? What is actually important to you? What is a real profit to you that's your professional accountant who you talk to on a monthly or quarterly basis?
In Episode 38 - What is a General Counsel we discuss the concept of a business "coach." Olympic athletes and professional athletes, they're the top of their game. They're rich, they're making money, they're performing at the highest level, and yet they all have a coach. Your corporate general counsel knows you and your business. In the case of the Watkins Firm, we've been in business for more than 40 years and have worked with literally thousands and thousands of companies of all sizes. Odds are, we've worked with a company a lot like yours and know not only your industry but the things to watch out for, and, more importantly, the opportunities to grow and dominate. It's the ability to pick up the phone and get a quick answer without a quick bill!
Episode 38 - What is a General Counsel discuses every aspect of what your corporate general counsel should provide, from contracts to mergers and acquisitions to business disputes. Employers in California face unbelievable challenges and need a lot of advice and counsel along the way. And, if you are successful, it's not a matter of IF a dispute or lawsuit will arise, it's WHEN. Your general counsel from the Watkins Firm is able to reesolve the vast majority of business disputes through effective leveraged negotiation. 70% or more of the remaining cases we are able to resolve by representing our clients in mediation. We also represent clients in arbitration and at trial.
Having the Watkins Firm at your side as your general counsel gives you access to insights, counsel and proven strategies developed here in San Diego and Southern California across more than 40 years. Learn more about why you need Dan Watkins and the Watkins Firm as your company's general counsel.