In the latest edition of the Sound Women Podcast we shine a light on the technical roles within sound & audio. Whether you work in this field or not, we’re here to break down the barriers and reinforce the message that tech is not as scary as it seems!
Presenter Ann Charles is joined by Ioana Barbu, an engineer from Bauer Media and Aradhna Tayal, a producer and organiser of RadTechCon. We hear from Terri Winston, the founder of the Women’s Audio Mission in California. Plus, we'll be discussing the opportunities out there for you to get yourself fully tech-trained up.
This episode was produced by Hayley Clarke and engineered by Candela Palencia.
Thanks to Sound Women supporters Somethin Else for hosting the recording of this episode and also to all our contributors for volunteering their time.
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conversation on Twitter by following @soundwomen or using the hashtag #SWPodcast.
Find out more about the amazing Sound Women featured in this episode:
Ann Charles -
Aradhna Tayal -
Terri Winston, Women's Audio Mission -
Presenter Ann Charles @sparkyannc
Producer: Hayley Clarke @iamhayleyclarke
Aradhna Tayal - @AradhnaTayal
Ioana Barbu - @Jeanne_Barbu
Women's Audio Mission - @womensaudio
Thanks to @SomethinElse for the studio