Worship Leader: Emily Holmes
Speaker: Chris Peppler
Passage: Matthew 21:23-23:39 (A Composite)
The Seven Woes (Matthew 23:13-36)
Grief unto you. Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are those who mourn.
Blessed are the meek. (accurate self-view) Lost without God, complete in Him!
You shut the door of heaven in people's faces.
- Who might I be excluding from the kingdom?
How might I be doing it?
Why am I doing it? You corrupt your disciples.
- What kind of disciple is my life producing? (Grace or works dependent)
You wobble in your commitments.
- As a growing disciple of Jesus, how firm is my yes?
What is my motivation for saying yes?
You've neglected mercy and justice.
- What demonstrations of justice and mercy impact me the most?
You're full of greed and self-indulgence.
- Who in your life has unrestricted access to call you out on your shortcomings?
You put up a spiritual front, but you're dead inside.
- What is one dead or dying area you would like to invite Jesus to bring new life back to?
You criticize others and follow their lead.
- What is a practice you call out in others that you’re also guilty of practicing at times?