Have you ever met someone and felt like you wanted to buy them a coffee and just...talk? That's how I felt about today's podcast guest, Jeremy Ojua. Jeremy is (in his own words), a snowboarder-turned-firefighter-turned-native-plant-nursery-supervisor. Or in other words, he's a well-rounded person that knows something about...everything?
In today's episode, Jeremy and I talk about the existential crisis that is your early 20s, finding your path in the environmental field, the pros and cons of seasonal jobs, the importance of nature immersion experiences for youth, and an interesting encounter he had with a black bear.
See more of Jeremy's photography: https://www.instagram.com/ojuaphoto/
Speak Environment on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/speakenvironmentpodcast/
Visit the Speak Environment blog for links and downloads for all reference material used in today's episode: https://speakenvironment.wordpress.com/
All music is provided by Scott Holmes under a free Creative Commons License: https://scottholmesmusic.com/