Spend any amount of your time on social media, then you must have caught yourself wishing better for yourself like "so and so". We have all been to a place of looking and wanting what the next person has. The comparison game. The "if" I (had, was, could be - better).
Social media is an easy place of filters, fake scenes, cropped pictures, and the glamorized lifestyle that little miss muffet lives. Absolutely we compare and can easily be consumed.
Today's episode is a little more in depth to me, that stems off a conversation I was having with some friends a couple weeks ago. The conversation was one I have a lot in my 7 years of being a online entrepreneur, -- "I wish I could do what you do, I wish I had your energy. I wish I was fit like you. I wish I had the money. I wish I was better. I wish I had your hair. The stem of
Let's burst that bubble of "social wishing".
Here's my story of me.
(Warning: This is an in-depth story and what led me to the place I am today. There is talk of death and suicide.)