Hello Language Lovers! In this episode of Speaking Tongues, we dive into the intricate world of bilingualism and translation with Melanie Marquez Adams and Emily Hunsberger, author and translator respectively of Wonderland, a collection of crónicas, essays, and experimental texts.
Melanie Márquez Adams is an Ecuadorian American writer. She is the author of two collections of short stories and two essay collections as well as the editor of the anthology Del sur al norte: Narrativa y poesía de autores andinos, winner of a 2018 International Latino Book Award.
Emily Hunsberger is a Philadelphia-based translator working in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
In this episode we discuss:
🇪🇨 Melanie's journey from Ecuador to the U.S. and how her bilingual identity and atypical immigration story has shaped her writing and perspective on language.
✍️ The differences in regional Spanish within the U.S. and how they have influenced Melanie's work as a writer.
📖 Emily's experiences as a translator and the importance of cultural knowledge in facilitating effective translations.
📖Their collaborative project, Wonderland, which showcases Melanie's crónicas and Emily’s process of translating them into English.
🌟 The significance of questioning stereotypes and assumptions in writing & translation and how they aim to create empathy and understanding through their work.
Big thank you to Melanie and Emily for sharing their insights and experiences with us. If you enjoyed this episode of Speaking Tongues, please subscribe, rate, and review the Speaking Tongues Podcast on Apple Podcasts, and like and subscribe on YouTube so that other language lovers can find the show! You can now pledge ongoing support for the show on Buy Me a Coffee dot com or on Patreon dot com. And as you know, I wrote a book! My food ‘zine of international language and cuisine, Taste Buds Vol 1. is available now for purchase! Check social media for the sneak peek inside of the book and make sure you purchase for yourself and your friends! Links to all platforms are below!
Wonderland: https://www.mouthfeelbooks.com/product/wonderland-cr-nicas-of-belonging-in-am-rica/75
To Connect with Melanie Marquez Adams:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Melanie-M%C3%A1rquez-Adams/author/B0763BJ2F8?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/melmarquezadams/
To Connect with Emily Hunsberger:
Tertulia Spanish https://tertuliaspanish.com/about/
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