Ellie speaks with Electra La Cnt about issues our society currently faces, along with discussing some of the acts of heroism Electra has taken in the face of adversity. Electra hit the headlines in 2016 by wearing a tiara coated with HIV+ blood, in an effort to fight the stigma surrounding misconceptions around HIV. She discusses the controversy, the way it was unable to be ignored and actually helped to educate people about some of the facts surrounding HIV. Electra stole headlines once more in 2018 after her speech at the LGBTQ Stormont making a powerful speech around stopping the LGBTQ community to stop validating hate speech by engaging with bigots. The line in her speech that encapsulates her rhetoric impeccably was "I refuse to ask for acceptance from those who oppress us". We discuss many aspects of bigotry the world is currently experiencing, BLM, transphobia, the HIV+ stigma and how politicians are playing a part in holding back our progress.