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By SPILL The Podcast
The podcast currently has 10 episodes available.
Banyak orang yang ngomong kalo persahabatan cowo cewe tuh ga mungkin bisa, pasti ada salah satu yang baper lah, ngarep, atau bahkan suka. Nah, di episode kali ini, Ferryn, Goldy, dan guest host pertama kita, Joshua, bakalan bahas emang beneran gabisa kah? Emang apa aja sih yang bikin orang-orang mikir gabisa? Dan gimana caranya biar pertemanan bisa ga jadi lebih?
[TW: Eating Disorders] There are a lot of misunderstandings and stigmas surrounding eating disorders (ED). One of the most popular ones is that EDs are exclusive to people with slimmer and smaller bodies, however that's not true. In this episode, Febe and Frank will be talking about what an eating disorder really is, their experiences with it, and how to (slowly) heal from a toxic relationship with your body.
Pernah ga sih kalian tuh ga enak buat nolak? Misalnya nolak buat ga bantuin sesuatu, atau sekedar bilang "engga" ke orang lain. Kalo nolak, rasanya tuh takut kecewain mereka. Tapi kalo bilang iya, bisa jadi kita sendiri yang rugi. Nah, Goldy sama Ferryn pernah, dan mereka punya pandangan yang berbeda untuk hal ini. Makannya di episode kali ini, kami bakal ngebahas gimana sih caranya buat nolak atau bilang "engga" ke orang lain dengan baik.
Hari ini, salah satu temen kita, Frankleene ulang tahun yang ke-18. Nah, mumpung pas banget nih waktunya, ada satu pertanyaan yang seringkali kepikiran setiap hari ulang tahun, yaitu ngapain sih kita rayain ulang tahun? Buat apa? Perlu banget ga sih? Segala pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini bakal dijawab sama Ferryn dan Frank di episode kali ini.
High school relationships; you see them everywhere. They're in movies, books, and most likely filling up your explore page and fyp. But is it actually that cute and wholesome irl? In this this week's episode, your resident recovered hoe (Febe) and future wine aunt (Goldy) talk about being single or taken during high school, as well as spill a bit of tea on both of their relationship history, or lack thereof.
Bella Swan, 2008 Taylor Swift songs, and every main character on Wattpad all have one thing in common; an abundance of pick-me energy! In this episode, Febe and Goldy are going to be exposing their embarrassing past as two ex pick-me-girls, how the media influenced them (both in good and bad ways), as well as how to respond to this toxic mentality.
Dari kecil mungkin kita sering mimpiin tentang "prince charming" yang bakal dateng menjemput kita pake kuda putihnya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, mungkin kita makin mikir kalo itu ga masuk akal. Tapi, kadang pas remaja pun kita masih pengen nantiin seseorang yang tepat untuk dateng ke hidup kita ga sih?
Di episode kali ini, Frank dan Ferryn ngebahas tentang apa sih arti sebenernya dari soulmate dan apa makna soulmate di dalam hidup kita.
Pas masih SMP, orang selalu bilang kalo SMA bakal jadi masa terindah sepanjang hidup lu. Tapi gimana kalo Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ)?
Di episode kali ini, Ferryn dan Frank bakal ngebahas tentang masa-masa seru sekolah pas SMP dan SMA, antara sebelum dan selagi PJJ.
Lots of people say you shouldn't procrastinate, but is that actually true? In this episode, Febe and Goldy talk about life as procrastinators, the pros and the cons, as well as how to finesse it so it won't (completely) ruin your life.
Welcome to our introductory episode! In this one, we're going to talk about what SPILL is and why we made it (+ we also spilled some tea about your four hosts). Enjoy! And stick around if you wanna ;)
The podcast currently has 10 episodes available.